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FloresDelMal's topics ( All 103 )

FloresDelMal July 24, 2021 12:34 pm

I am fucking heartbroken, and my mascara is not waterproof :'(

FloresDelMal July 22, 2021 5:04 pm

I really enjoyed your translations, thank you and I look forward to your future projects ^^

    Elizabeth18 July 22, 2021 5:55 pm

    Glad to know i wasnt the only one noticed the messege from the translator(⌒▽⌒)

    FloresDelMal July 23, 2021 11:25 am

    Ppl in scanlation works hard (and often for free) in order to make comics and mangas accessible to us, to read what they have to say and being grateful to them is the least we should do ^^

FloresDelMal's questions ( All 10 )

FloresDelMal April 24, 2021 11:45 am


It's a charity fundraising to help fight discrimination against asian americans, I am leaving the link here in case someone is interested

FloresDelMal June 6, 2020 3:24 pm

Hey guys, does anyone know of a BDSM manga or webcomic that portrays the proper comfort of the bottom after the strenuous rough play? bonus points if we get to see them negotiating consent and safe word, I don't mind if it is queer or straight ^^

    afroluv June 6, 2020 3:31 pm

    All bdsm tagged: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/27369/

    I don't read this genre a lot, but I've seen aftercare by the Dom in these:
    BJ alex 2nd couple ofc
    Momentum start at chapter 26
    Also, Yoru_wa_tomodachi

    FloresDelMal June 6, 2020 3:41 pm

    Thank you! that scene from momentum was really beautiful to me and I haven't thought about it in a while, that whole comic is a masterpiece, even the heartbreaking part, also this gave me motivation to read BJ Alex, I have been putting it off for a very long time ^^

    afroluv June 6, 2020 5:34 pm
    Thank you! that scene from momentum was really beautiful to me and I haven't thought about it in a while, that whole comic is a masterpiece, even the heartbreaking part, also this gave me motivation to read BJ ... FloresDelMal

    BJ Alex is an average read at best. These are the chapters to read if you are only interested in the D/s couple...
    Chapters 26-27, 37, 43-44, 52, 72, 84-89, extras 7-8

    FloresDelMal June 6, 2020 6:01 pm

    that's great advice guys, you both gave me a lot more than what I was expecting to get, thanks, you both really made my day, I didn't even know there were accompanying novels for Phantom or where to get started with BJ Alex, so have a great weekend and stay safe ^^

    afroluv June 6, 2020 6:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! blue

    I respect your opinion, but I disagree about MD. His character is not abusive. He apologized that for hurting Chanwoo's feelings but he stopped the play immediately once the safe word was used.
    @floresdelmal you should read and decide for yourself.

    FloresDelMal June 7, 2020 11:30 am

    I will do so Afroluv ^^

    afroluv June 7, 2020 2:01 pm

    @blue this is for you. Btw it's cute you blocked me bc you didn't want to hear my logic or reasoning but this is not your post...It's floresdelmal so I can still speak my mind.

    I disagree. The author did not characterize MD as abusive at all but I understand everyone has their own take on the facts of the story.
    Also, I read and analyze for myself so idgaf about what folks said in the comments most of them have very little grasp of bdsm and it's really easy to see they're ignorant.

    Spoilers ahead....

    When he first started working with Chanwoo for his bdsm tv show, Chanwoo cut the play short as soon as the camera stopped recording and bounced several times until MD 'put his foot down' about the D/s rules. Chanwoo was happy that he finally got the level of bdsm play that he wanted. MD became a better Dom from that experience and Chanwoo was really satisfied. MD and Chanwoo had arranged play times, not always televised so they were basically sex friends.
    Chanwoo's actual boyfriends abused him to the extent that MD was worried for him and realized he was catching feelings. He confessed, Chanwoo turned him down and they had a play where MD pushed him to his limits as a sub. He fully expected Chanwoo to use the safeword but he didn't. MD ended the play himself. People speculated that MD was getting revenge for being rejected. However, imho I thought he was trying to understand why Chanwoo puts up with or is attracted to the abuser types but he didn't hurt him in that play, he set him up to repeatedly orgasm.
    Chanwoo meets his ideal type and dates a new guy while waiting for MD to call him for their next play. Fast forward...he sets a up a meeting to introduce MD to the new guy at the latter's request and learns that he was MDs former sub AND Chanwoo learns he was only being used so the new guy could get back into MDs graces--MD had cut him off completely two years prior and MD barely remembered the guy. chanwoo was visibly shaken that his new crush didn't like him back and was not only using him to get contact info for MD but also that he wanted to replace Chanwoo. MD smirks/smiles to himself --again that depends on the reader's perception. The folks who imagined a suddenly evil MD thought he smirked, I thought he smiled to himself bc this great opportunity fell into his lap. Why? The bj alex story ended and these are all extras. It makes no sense for the author to change a nice guy's personality to a 180 at this point so I gave MD the benefit of the doubt. And sure enough....
    MD says he wants to see two subs go at it to decide on who stays. Chanwoo appears reluctant to make out with the person who hurt his feelings. MD slaps him with a single, open handed slap to his face bc he is breaking sub character and Chanwoo reluctantly tries to continue making out with the jerk sub.
    Commenters gave MD flak about being abusive bc of the slap. Me? I shrugged. I don't have access to the details of their bdsm contract so I assumed it was an acceptable punishment..(again bc it is too late to turn a nice character into an evil one). It didn't leave a mark on Chanwoo's face, and I inferred it was done to get Chanwoo to snap out of his thoughts and focus on the play. It worked. The jerk sub kissed MD and Chanwoo couldn't take it any more so he used the safe word. MD ended things immediately and kicked the jerk sub out.
    Here was my take...The jerk sub represents Chanwoo's abusive exes who got what they wanted from Chanwoo and hurt his feelings and with MDs help, Chanwoo suddenly realized what he was doing to himself by going out with assholes like that. Chanwoo also realized he didn't want to lose a good man like MD to the other guy. For me, this most recent extra, #8 confirmed what I thought all along. Even Chanwoo states that MD is such a good guy that he turned dating him down out of fear their relationship wouldn't work out and that if they stayed sex friends he could be with MD without that fear of another failed relationship. MD apologized, I think bc the play made Chanwoo cry...it looked to me like Chanwoo just had a breakthru in therapy and he could finally move on to a healthy relationship. That chapter ends with them agreeing to date each other and having vanilla sex.
    If you read all that, thanks for listening to my unpopular opinion. There is no need to respond with further disagreement on your part. I've already read what other folks had to say and you're in agreement with them, I've debated enough. I'm not here to change anyone's mind. The writing in BJ Alex is not so great as to deserve any more of my attention. I'm more of a A Thousand Cranes / Saezuru Tori wa Habatakenri fan. I like mature themes and well written plots, complex characters, well written prose and well drawn art. These are stories I will re read over and over. I'm gonna go back to forgetting BJ Alex until someone else asks for bdsm stories. Oh and no one really expects that the stories are accurate depictions of bdsm life, so there is that too.

FloresDelMal's message board ( All 0 )

Hello there, i am a woman, an expat, a geek, a punk at heart, i consider myself a decent friend but i am all too prone to pull dissapearing acts, nothing personal really, just part of who i am.
I have been watching anime for as long as i can remember, my first love was lady Oscar from "Rose of Versailles", i have been reading manga since my early teens, and playing visual novels since just a couple of years ago.

I have been obsessed with trying to find back all the manga i have read in my life and add it to my read list, but i can't see the end of it o.O

If you made it this far you already know that i am a chatterbox, let's get along, you can call me Flo ;)
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