If you're mad about the seme putting his thing inside that btch fox he didnt put it here is my theory that btch fox sht activated the seme heat meaning the seme cant control it and what happened was he took his dic out but didnt put it in that btch fox cause he was busy giving that btch fox a kiss mark on his neck and thankfully the ukes friend saw it before anything else happened so then that btch fox showed his kiss mark to the uke because he was angry the seme didnt put his dic in that btch fox
Whats the misunderstanding about
Nvm ive read it this is why you should always let someone finish talking before disrupting them semeee yes im talking to u seme
A life lesson we should a learn from (either way though....telling him to abort it was extremely harsh)
actually he didnt interrupt the uke when he's talking, just that he got so triggered by the first few words about the pregnency and didnt register anything else the uke said after that inside his head. Which is also why the uke was so sad when he was asked to abort it since he thought he said that knowing full well that its his child