i write sometimes but i suck at it. so take this all with a grain of salt. this is what id like to see as a reader. :))
1) both the MC and the love interest should have friends. friends who have their own character traits and development.
2) im a slut for the whole mutual benefit stories. like, when both are struggling with something (mental heal...... reply
A guy at my school who raped 2 people and assaulted a third. He only got a two day suspension once they came forward. oh, if only I had a can of raid... 4 reply
TL;DR: I don’t fucking know I’m as lost as you
god i feel the same. realistically, i think it’s okay to read it if people know where the limit is, you know? and most people don’t know the limit. hell, maybe I don’t.
im a bi girl i have a bit of authority to say that i don’t mind straight men watching/ reading lesbian erotica. they ...... 1 reply