shit that just fucked me up reaaaal good. I still need some thinking time to process everything that I read just now because i am still a bit confused but damn that webcomic was soooooooooooooo good. And my heart is just so broken now, I mean I didnt really expect a happy ending but haaaaaaaaa someone shoot me

so I just finished reading that on the official site and damn, yeah the ending was rushed but everything else? Maybe its just for me but the different views of what expectaions one can have towards a relationships and the way people want and need different kinds of love, made it really really good and had me on the edge all the time. So if you can overlook a rushed ending ( i mean it happens all the time in manga ) give it a shot

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Well it's true that it's a good read, but it left a lot unsaid/unfinished.
For instance, they had problems in the relationships. (Mostly because of work and personal preference)
None of that was ever fixed. Did the cop lose his job? Becsuse if he didn't wouldn't they have the sane problems? Wouldn't they end up with the same issues?
Also the 2nd couple. I wasnt too happy. It seemed like the author was building up the 2nd couple but then she abandoned the idea.
I really hope she has an extra/epilogue kinda explaining thier relationship then and now. How its for the better and tieing up loose ends. That would be satisfying
so guys help me out.. it has been some time... are the two boys from the latest chapters the boys from the beginning? I dont remember shit.. maybe someine could give me a brief summary of the plot up to now? wasnt the main guy orange haired? and the other hee bum, or were they the same.. sorry i am so lost :D
The chapters now are a memory from the past. He probably dyed his hair after this
ohhhhhhh I am so dumb, thank you!