Ennoskulls followed a goer


15 12,2024
Ennoskulls followed a goer

Uh yo what's up lost my Other bio and I'm to lazy to re-write it all over again so I'm just going to do a half ass one

Little Sibling of @theSuperbunny (aka a VERY annoying rat)
Kid of @no (bro still hasn't come back with the milk)

If you're on my page to follow me then uh pretty please tell me why when you follow me bc I want to know 

May or may not be on here a lot

And yes I know I use a lot of Emojis but trust me if mgg didn't keep deleting my bio bc There was too many emojis I would have used a lot more

17 11,2024
Ennoskulls followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BL only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible manga!

06 11,2024
Ennoskulls like the experience about song lyrics stuck in head
I could hyperanalyze mitski lyrics but then that'd be too long and I'd lose my focus at some point, so here are some of my favorites: "Crack baby, you don't know what you want But you know that you had it once And you know that you want it back Crack baby, you don't know what you want But you know that you're needing it And you know that you need ......
Ennoskulls followed question about tried to kill yourself

Personally I’d return to the past cuz a fantasy world would literally kill me before I turn 1.

08 06,2024
Ennoskulls like the answer
since 2020… the pandemic ruined me and i still haven’t recovered from the disease called mangago
Ennoskulls like the answer
Twilight sparkle my , Hobie brown, my male slave sephiroth, and my biological twin John wick Who is John wick? in math: my solution in history: my king in art: my muse in science: my oxygen in geography: my world John wick is my twin, do NOT disrespect him
Ennoskulls followed thing

25 people did   /   37 want to do

18 01,2024
Ennoskulls followed question about be a dumb bitch

so wtf... i was bored and decided to jerk off to kill time. i was alone and they usually come home at 5pm so i got too comfortable. i didn't locked my door—it was like 5cm open and i fucking remember moaning SO loud. I think anyone who passes near by my room will know what tf i was doing. So I went out of my room to wash my hands but then I saw n......

09 01,2024
Ennoskulls followed a goer

| inactive |

08 11,2023