Can someone give me a quick summary of what’s happening? I think I lost the plot on the recent chapters, I haven’t read this in a while

So after the junkyard fiasco, and Shin finding out that Jay is NOT from the Merciful, he leaves him coz he feels betrayed at the lie. He also left Gren in rehab to protect him and also coz he cannot deal with him in that state. He flees Manhattan and goes off the grid to a new city and does little car jobs here and there, staying in motels etc. Jake obviously is obsessed and knows he's unprotected now so he semi-abandons his mission (to take down the merciful gang from the inside) to tail Shin and protect him from afar. (Hence him taking the upstairs bedroom, taping his room to listen in etc). But because he knows Shin won't talk to him, he leaks his own CIA records to Shin's friend/informant to give to Shin so Shin can come to terms with the reality and maybe forgive Jake. But our Shin is stubborn and sees it as Jake flexing his pedigree
And now, Shin is thinking Gren knows more about Jake than he let on (he doesn't) because of their last convo before Gren shot Jake. So he calls him and also warns him to stay out and not talk to anyone asking for Shin (to protect Gren)
And Jake... Well he's not doing his job with Benille or the CIA coz my man has is pining after Shin hehe.
Ah also, Trautwein finds out the connection between Gren and Shin how they were Foster brothers and is intent on using the connection to bring out Shin to take revenge for the junkyard incident (he saw Shin and thinks he works for the merciful now too)
I hope this helps?
tgswiiwagaa and yaoi reader omg hi..
OMG heyyyヾ(☆▽☆)