randomkneegrow's feed

He is the most unlikeable ML I’ve ever seen. I don’t care if he gets a redemption arc later on in the story, I don’t even wanna see it. I hope he gets the most tragic fucked up ending for himself while she lives on happily, like fuck this. His brain is so warped and wrapped up in his own victimhood that he finds a way to justify all of his actions against her… Yet, truly, he is not the victim here - at least not when it comes to Annette. I really wish he’d get it through his thick ass skull that she’s not his enemy, never was. All she did was love him and this is how he repays her? TRASH

I don’t care to continue trying to understand his mind or feelings honestly… If making the worst ML ever was a competition, this author would win the gold, seriously. I love angst though so I’ll definitely keep reading even though I get gradually more pissed off with each chapter.