Honestly, when Rou first said "I guess we won't date then." My first thought was "Wait did you WANT to date Yoshino?" And I was hoping Yoshino would ask too, but he took it to to mean Rou didn't want to date. But I thought he did. But then Rou started being really weird later, and I started getting confused from his mixed messages along with Yoshino. Like seriously, what the heck. I can't blame Yoshino for just leaving then and being like "screw it." I'm glad he did and Rou was forced to show his hand cuz bruh what the heck. And then apparently he WAS being serious about not dating, at least not yet. So yeah, count me among the confused, Yoshino. Glad you got your happy ending though.

I... When I got to the end of Chapter 1, and Aoi-sensei's like "I'm a man." And Hikaru's like :o I'm like. YOU DIDN'T KNOW? I read through that ENTIRE CHAPTER thinking he KNEW that was a guy omg Hikaru. (Also I thought he put Hikaru's hand on his crotch oops, it was his chest as in "i dont got boobs.") Then afterwards Hikaru takes out his ring like "I was married to the boss' daughter." I thought he was legit straight-straight and I thought it'd be interesting to see how this develops into love with a straight guy fallin hard for a guy and that guy being a straight guy who also ends up developing feelings, but no Hikaru lied about the ring , and probably about being married to anyone's daughter. He was gay all along. Darn that guy do know how to play with my expectations lollll

Honestly that Kuon bit felt like another otome game I played kinda? Where you unlock a 5th guy and he was MC's boyfriend or something but she kept dying or whatever and he kept tryna save her in other worlds she kept ending up in. Something like that. Anyway now that Kuon says Kobayashi looks like Eve, she does actually have a vague resemblance to Finne. Finne also remembers seeing Bard die too, so something is up there. What if Kobayashi has such an infinity for the game cuz she somehow is the real life version of Finne? Lol RIP Endo x Kobayashi, hello Kuon x Kobayashi. Jk. Also someone commented somewhere else that Endo might be the real life version of Bard. I see the resemblance there too sooo maybe there really is some kinda love triangle there... ?
But I also think what happened was that Kuon was supposed to be able to play the game and communicate with Finne. But somehow, with Kobayashi and Endo playing together, instead THEY became "God" and they communicate with Sieg instead. Since Kuon was probably the guy earlier on who was trying to play and gong "dammit it's still just a game"
Also, if the story does actually go yuri route with Liselotte and Finne, I'mma laugh, while still feeling a little bad for Sieg. His reactions to the yuri bits get me so hard.

I was referring to Amnesia, yes. And well Ukyo's a weird soul, both does and doesn't want to kill her. I thought ultimately he wanted to go back to his original world with the heroine but her dying was the only way for him to survive. Well anyway that doesn't really matter, point is the whole "going back to original world" but made me think of him to begin with lol

I didn't even understand why Sousuke asked about the color cuz I was thinking "duh it's red, it's the red string of fate." And then I realized Sousuke never said the color, he just said string but come on, WHAT OTHER COLOR WOULD IT BE, what he described was literally the well-known red string of fate. I mean it's not called the BLUE string of fate!

I feel like I may have vaguely read this before when I was younger. And now that I'm older, I don't find the same stuff as interesting anymore. So honestly, to me, this story was just overly dramatic. Like literally, Fujisawa being all "I'm burying a corpse." And the characters talking in such a halting manner with lots of ellipses. Like is this a soap opera? Moment he said he's burying a corpse or being a gravekeeper or whatever I'm like ya okay dude, what kinda ridic thing are u actually burying and ur calling it a "heart?" When it's finally revealed, then sure it's got meaning to it. But all that build up for all those chapters and the characters being all vague and all "a corpseee a murderrrerrrr a GRAVE" like can you guys MAYBE chill out a little? Like yes, I understand death weighs upon people. But people don't magically start waxing poetic all the time after it happens like bruh. "THIS HOUSE IS A GRAVE AND I'M THE GRAVEKEEPER AND I SPEND ALL MY NIGHTS BURYING A HEART AND CORPSE CUZ IM A SINNNNERRRR." Talk like a human please. Like the story just sounds like it's tryna be mysterious and profound but it's like obvious writer's trying too hard. Honestly, I read through this all with "can we get to the point please." And MC being classic "I'm molested but...why can't I runnn?? He looks so lonelyyyyy" Idk how he really made any kinda change to Fujisawa, maybe he's just a touch less sensitive than Makoto or something idk even.
Anyway, like I said, my tastes are different since I got older so who knows. I'm just not into melodrama.

Man this entire time I'm one edge cuz I'm like is Tani gonna try something with Towada? Cuz u know, in so many of these stories eventually seme can't help it and ends up kissing them in their sleep or whatever. But NO! My man Tani knows the meaning of the word RESPECT! And never, ever crosses boundaries! He only has sex when Towada initiates, and even then makes sure Towada's okay with it. When Towada asks for it after he collapses, he holds himself back and assures Towada they have all the time in the world to do it and that he should focus on recovering. He genuinely cares for Towada, and even while knowing he was initially attracted by the pretty face, he knows Towada's more than just that. Even when Towada's snippy towards him when he was feeling sick in the bathroom, Tani doesn't go overboard and gives him space, which resulted in that handhold. For real, Tani is a good man. We need more men like Tani.
Are...Are the dads okay? Why couldn't they end up together, I wonder? I'm curious but I'd probably never read the backstory if it ever came out because that's too sad for me u_u