"The sighs of a man in pain makes great background music." Man I wanna just print that panel and frame it on my wall, it just made me laugh so hard. I do like the friend a lot lol
I guess it's because I play games, but the idea of "winning" a game and "going to the next stage" always kinda bothers me because not all games are like that. I play rpgs too and some of them don't really have stages, more just exploring a map or something. And when I complete a game, I say I finished it, not won it. or I beat it. I mean I know beat and win might as well be the same, but it's still kinda different. lol well that's enough of my little rant about this
Would it really be so bad if Ikushima's class found out he dotes on his younger siblings? Like ok, I get how he can find that sort of embarrassing. But it would explain a lot of his actions, like why he got mad at the school principal for kicking out the mothers and their children because the kids were crying, or like how he poured coffee on Ariie's head for caring more about his bag than the child who fell. He's really a good person, it's kinda sad the other kids just write him off as "the queen." But oh well, at least he has Nara-senpai and Ariie to understand him.
I thought Senpai turned Nagashima down because he wasn't gay, so him liking sensei was definitely a surprise for me lol. Guess Senpai likes the older dudes. But sensei and Sekiya seriously looked too similar. It took me a while to realize they were different people when sensei was looking over Nagashima when he was sick.
Shibuya's face in the first panel makes it seem like he's stepped foot into some kinda horror movie lol.
Honestly, I feel like Masayan should be used to this already loll like completely desensitized to it. I mean, sure that lovey doveyness can be cringy, but you get used to it after a while. Besides, at least it was just hand-holding this time. The last time, Masayan accidentally saw them kiss, which is a lot more awkward to see I think lol
It's just my preferences, but I'd rather pair that outfit with like dress shoes or something. Seems off with sneakers to me lol.
All in all, cute story, but srsly Sougo, you gotta make up your mind, is Haruki a cute child-like lover, or your child? :P I kinda want them to adopt now, cuz Sougo seems like he'd be a super cute dad, and Haruki the nagging but well-meaning mom. lol
I'm laughing so hard, their expressions on this page, especially Saku, like, they look like they're about to go freakin skipping through a field of flowers, lolllllllll
This is the second time I'm reading this manga, and I'm just thinking about how chill Munematsu is, both as a boss and lover. Like how he casually hands Hotaru the random thing he bought at Momonoki's shop. (Incidentally, Hotaru dancing around while playing the instrument was really cute.) And how even though Munematsu's like "SHOOT!" when he accidentally scratches his car with his keys when Momonoki hugged him, he doesn't get mad.
He's a nice person.