bruh lol wat
I mean I guess it good they ain't together but even Hozumi bein all "also don't feel any love for you" was terrible. Though maybe he's just saying that to bother Aida.
I liked the mangaka's other works so I thought that this would be nice too but nooo. Aida too accommodating of a dude fr couldn't be me.

Am I the only one who kinda thinks it wasn't cool of Himesaki to put their story into manga form without permission? I mean that's why Hoshimi got the misunderstanding too, the contents were like word-for-word what he said and what happened. That's kinda creepy man, it's all their intimate time together put on display. Hoshimi was fine with it at the end since he took it as a love confession, but still. Himesaki's a chill dude and he did realize he might have messed up, so I guess I'll give him a pass for not thinking things through, but I'd be pretty mad if someone did that to me ngl.

No I agree!! I love this author but I have a problem with the semes lack of communication not only in this story but in Muri Marriage as well.
(SPOILER) When that stories ML left the MC after their first night to get permission to be together from their parents. Like babes you guys are already married? You could've gone together?? Don't just disappear???(SPOILER END)
But yeah I love the stories and dynamics just not a fan of the MLs going off and doing their own stuff without communicating, this would not fly irl lol

LOL I thought the exact same thing with Muri Marriage. Like he couldn't have shot him a text like "Hey I went to go home for a bit, love you, will be back tomorrow" or something? MC also couldn't call him like "Bro u jerk where u at"? That miscommunication could have worked back before cell phones, but not in this era.

Tbh I get both perspectives from Minjun and Jinhwan. Their problem is that both of them were insecure and scared to move forward in their relationship. Minjun was afraid of Jinhwan hating him so would always walk on eggshells. And that made Jinhwan walk on eggshells cuz he didn't get why Minjun was doing it. Cuz he could tell they both liked each other. Which is why HE DEF SHOULD HAVE JUST CONFESSED. It was worse for Minjun cuz he had no idea Jinhwan liked him at all. But regardless, I get why they both were scared. It's understandable and I'm glad they cleared that up in the future when they met again.
What I DON'T LIKE is Minjun being kinda toxic in the end? Like if he was acting prickly cuz he didn't know Jinhwan's intentions when they met up as 30 year olds, okay fine. But now the man is dating you. Why would you get so mad when he suggests living together? And then to insult him to provoke him into a fight? I thought that was pretty messed up. Jinhwan acts patient saying he can put up with that but I don't think he should have to.
That end left kind of a sour taste ngl.

He wasn't mad that he was suggesting them living together. He was mad that what jinhwan was basically saying "this problem is so easy, why are you so mad? Lets just live together!" That isn't what he said but it's how minjun felt.
When he was venting about it, jinhwan moved immediately to fixing the problem instead of empathising with him. I think at that moment, he needed emotional support, not a problem fixer.
It showed in the chapter that minjun saw him as a "rich boy with no problems" so it pissed him off that he can't even expect the man to empathise with him. I think that was the main issue on why he was pissed. Also, he's still walking on eggshells, it's just less. So I think the ending is him telling jinhwan that he'll try to change that mindset and stuff. Because minjun keeps thinking of jinhwan as above him when he needs to think of him as his BOYFRIEND. But yeah I completely agree with your comment

Honestly, part of me thought the story would be interesting if Juhyeok let go of his prejudices about omegas and alphas after working with Sihyeon and accepted his love for Gido... Especially since it looks like Gido does still kinda get jealous over him? Also wish we saw more of Gido after Juhyeok starts dating Sihyeon, cuz again. Why was he messing with them when he saw them together after their date?
Still, the story was great. I love stories where the MC is like the only straightman in a world gone chaotic around him.
And about that second couple, I hope they just develop into good co-parents for their child and they don't date. Cuz that was way too toxic and Mr. Lee deserves better. Screw Mr. Seo.

Feeds Shelina every day instead of letting her maid do it. Carries her, worries for her. Is upset she doesn't depend on him. Wants her to call him Uncle. Gets offended when she says she doesn't like him.
And yet he's all "hurr hurr I can kill her if I want. Wat an odd child. Totally don't like her."
Damn stop bein tsundere to your own niece lollll

Ngl I loves The Best Smell and thought it would be nice if the boys from that made a cameo here. If they did somewhere, I certainly didn't notice.
Though I was VERY confused over who the heck Dawoon was before realizing he's a cameo from Nonfiction Phrase (which I have not read.)
Not that I realized while reading so I thought he was gonna be an important character here who knew Samin from his idol days. Well at least there's one cameo from the author's previous works.
Work was cute, could be better. I can tell author really wanted to keep this story fluffy with no real conflict. So even if it's based on a misunderstanding, it's not really high stakes. MC is hella dumb tho so it did border on second hand embarrassment at some points.

Isogai's my favorite character I swear.
And I swear to god, if Morinaga reverts back to using Senpai I'm gonna be so pissed, we had some development, please don't make it go to waste Mangaka-san!!!
Legit, I actually got a bit tired of reading this for a while but Isogai and this cute development has made it worthwhile (like I love how accurate Morinaga acts in Senpai's dream??? He really knows him well haha)

To be honest. I've read this manga countless times and I weirdly like it. I think it's because it's one of the earliest yaoi I read so there's a nostalgia factor in play. I read the story with his brother first but I found this version more compelling so I like it more. But even so, the more I read it, the more I just find it so sad and annoying what happens. Jinnai is too forceful. He forces Reiichirou into a relationship without waiting for a response even though he SAID HE WOULD. Kijima comes on to him and he hides it from Reiichirou and acts like it's fine that HE'S alone with Kijima when he kept throwing a fit when Kijima was alone with Reiichirou. Even though it's for work and unavoidable. Then he hypocritically keeps hanging out with Kijima when Reiichirou is forced to hang out with the girl from the omiai. Like I do understand Reiichirou tends to take things as they come, but he can't help it. That's how he is and his family is pressuring him. Like at this point I read it for Reiichirou.
His whole story is just sad.
Like I said, he takes things as they come. He can't fight back, nor does he want to. His entire life was basically planned for him and he accepts it. He doesn't dislike the family business, so that aspect is fine. But since he's very sheltered, he's not very social and doesn't understand social cues that well. Yet he managed to have a best friend in Haru, which is great. But Haru leaves him due to his own feelings for Reiichirou. That's understandable, Haru's not at fault for that. It hurt too much to just be friends, and in that case it's fine for him to step away. But it also really hurt Reiichirou because the man DOESN'T HAVE FRIENDS. As far as the reader knows, he has no one else in his life he's particularly close to. It's hard to even say if he's close to his family. He WANTS to be close to his younger brother, but his younger brother finds him hard to deal with as well. Since Reiichirou is hella blunt without meaning to be. And plus, Tsukasa is in love with Haru sooo jealousy's involved. Jinnai even acknowledged he's lonely and sensitive.
And so Reiichirou just wants Haru back as a friend because he misses him, since again. He was literally his best (and possibly only) friend. But Tsukasa doesn't want that to happen. And who knows if Haru ever did become his friend again after saying they could be.
After basically being told he loves Jinnai by Jinnai, Reiichirou starts dating him. His love for him does grow and become more obvious, especially when we see his viewpoint. But he's got his family on his back, and he's not one to rebel. And his family situation really doesn't call for it. I can't even say he's too soft or a doormat for that because it's not easy going against family. Especially since before he never really had a reason too. So he's not sure how to handle the situation of his omia and how to say no or convince his family that the answer is no. It really isn't his fault. And then to top it all, he has to suffer from Jinnai's insecurities and abuse (yes that was abusive) when Jinnai literally yanks his arm away from him and caused him to fall. Then slams his hand next to his head when interrogating him. And then again yanks him by his tie and shoves him when he's upset about Reiichirou having to still meet that girl, then rapes him again (since he did that the first time around when beginning the relationship too like yeesh man.)
And then yeah again he has to watch Jinnai choosing to hang out with Kijima even though he knows Kijima has feelings for him. All out of spite? Jinnai doesn't think it's the same but it is.
Then Jinna starts running away and trying to leave him. Like this page basically sums up Reiichirou's experience and breaks my heart:
This basically forces Reiichirou's hand and causes him to come out to his family just to be able to be with Jinnai. It's a good thing his father didn't go trying to figure out Jinnai's identity.
Like. Reiichirou deserves better. It's ironic as hell that Jinnai is even aware that he doesn't treat Reiichirou that well, what with him being worried Reiichirou will go along with Kijima's advances since he ended up going out with Jinnai. And then sure he did apologize when Reiichirous does give him a blowjob later since he was forced to the first time around. And he realized he was the running but seriously most of the problems really did come from his own insecurity. Being hurt from the omia is natural, but he didn't have to react that cruelly. Like do better sir. I really, really feel sad for Reiichirou. I really do.
loollll I read the comments on how bad it is but sometimes u just wanna see a dumpster fire for yourself. This was such garbage, I just sighed when I reached chapter 10 and realized this whole thing had 20 chapters. Was about to stop, but had nothing better to do. Got through it anyway and unfortunately had to witness chapter 20.5 with my own eyes. Smh It's so bad it's kinda funny honestly.