I feel so bad for Ho-in and I’m starting to dislike chunwoo (the uke) Like the sex scenes between him and the redhead just hurt me so much like they make me wanna cry like hurt like that because I feel so bad for a ho-in and it’s not like he really did anything wrong shit if I saw somebody come in and aggressively push the person I was drinking with up against the wall and shove their tongue down your throat I’d avoid you and be uncomfortable talking to you too like he didn’t do anything wrong and it’s just really frustrating to me

You speak as if it’s chunwoo’s fault that the red head came in and shoved his tongue down chunwoo’s throat. Also, chunwoo’s does not own Ho-in shit, they are not in a relationship and he can do whatever he want. At this point, Ho-ins is still just a friend to him and not a love interest. So when Ho-in ran off and ignored him, he thought Ho-in is uncomfortable with the fact that he’s gay, NOT because he has a fuck buddy. Also, ho-in needs to grow tf up and stop avoiding him and go talk to him in person. Attempting to apologize drunk over the phone is not it
Ts is so ass omg…