I said I hate cops while watching a tv show with my family and they proceeded to have a discussion about why stereotyping cops is bad, they are black. help me
The way the justices system I’m America is set up cops punish criminals and to find criminals they take a list of suspects and deduce the most likely culprits by circumstances, motive, history, culture, race, gender, medical, financial backgrounds. Their job forces them to stereotype which is why people “hate” cops. What’s the biggest motivation for crime? Money. Money is the difference between a good life and a bad one. That’s a universal motivator. What population is the poorest statistically? Black people. African Americans statistically have the most motivation to commit crime according to that premise. Which why everyone thinks cops are a broken system. Because rich white guys commit way more crime. Just ask rape victims. Should we assume that all rapists are rich white men? No. We should demphazise narrowed suspect lists and focus only physical evidence, and witnesses. and start from a premises that anyone can commit any crime if they have the means.
Anyone got any sad/bittersweet bl recommendations? (preferably shounen ai)
Its a good story it just has a really unsatisfying ending