sockblock did ( All 1 )


sockblock want to do ( All 2 )

dating getting called gay

sockblock's experience ( All 0 )

sockblock's answer ( All 5 )

about dating
infp 4w5 :)   reply
09 07,2021
i think sometimes waking up in the morning and seeing a sunbeam through your room is really nice. light in general can be super pretty it feels so calming. probably the serotonin,, its okay i need more these days   1 reply
05 06,2021
a pretty n chic girl with a soft smile aaaaaa!!! just like my crush in class (she’s no kidding the prettiest girl ik and she has the sweetest smiles and she’s so cool   reply
05 06,2021
about question
hahaha i would probably be like mikoshiba from Monthly Girls Nozaki kun and have a small ponytail cuz my lil bro n my dad both have long-ish hair would also dress fashionably to impress girls OH i also think i would probably act straight but have a huggeeee crush on a senior ( me with my EXTREMELY PRETTY AND GODLIKE classmate,,, she’s so pretty)......   reply
26 05,2021
waaaa i’m not sure but i think i would be a vocalist~ if idol me worked hard enough mayyybe a dance as well? ive heard my singing isn’t half bad and i’d honestly see myself not even being able to pass being a trainee— or if not bullied ahahaha :) I’ve wanted to audition but knowing amount of shit they will go through,,, probably ain’t g......   reply
25 05,2021

sockblock's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do plans for the future

Get a vape lol

4 hours
did plans for the future


6 hours
want to do go to college

I'm so anxious about this all the time, I hope my entrance exams go well, I really don't want to take another drop year

12 hours