i see people condemning seryeong for raping, which is entirely correct and should be done. however i see people calling seryeong trans? which like. no? if seryeong comes out as trans then good for her ig but this story literally paints it as him being a guy who hates other men so he just dresses as a girl to hang with girls easier. that is NOT the equivalent of being trans.
plenty of drag queens fully identify as male but when in drag, go by she/her. i'm not saying he can't be trans but he is evidently not in this comic. saying he's trans is harmful because it really perpetuates the ignorant idea that trans women are predators and rapists. sure you might think "but i would never think that!" but what about someone who doesn't know a lot about trans identity?
if he does end up being trans, then that does not excuse the individual crimes he has committed by assaulting men. i hope people will understand that the sexual assault is not a common or even acceptable thing in actual trans communities, and this one person is the outlier.