1. If you r in the woods or forest, carry something sharp & couple of poisons ..
2. When u r alone.. replace the feeling of fear but instead carry with u anger & bloodlust...
3. If a r@pist grabs u .. (1) poke there eyes out until they bleed hehe (2) if u r hesitating to kill them; break their arms & legs( like how u break a medium size twigs, use as much force as I possibly can in your legs) (4) close ur eyes either grab a glove or any cloth grab their thing and pull it out or grab a rock or brick them mince it ... Great & now we r Good to Go ..
4. Let ur imagination run wild with bloodlust but keep in mind ur surroundings do not kill ! Killing is fast & weak ..Lets make them suffer forever living suffering
2021-01-05 13:10 marked
Ways to kill or make a r@pist suffer.. 1. If you r in the woods or forest,...