pufferfish.nina created a topic of Off Track

The fcking art is HOT AS FCK

pufferfish.nina created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Haaah they bring me so much peace

pufferfish.nina followed a goer
25 08,2024

Almost there everybody (T ^ T) just hang in there we almost there

pufferfish.nina created a topic of Go Away Romeo

Now dont forgive her, I swear to god don’t

Now buckle up everyone lmao

pufferfish.nina created a topic of Reunion
pufferfish.nina created a topic of Go Away Romeo

Im with a lotta the others, if count paris even tries to act chummy with Juliet, especially without talking to Rosalyn abt it first Imma drop cuz thats just too predictable and just lame, that girl shouldn’t even be allowed near any of them

Imma sit patiently and wait till AkumaKira posts an upload

Ya know for once I am glad they skipped watever other details may have been in the novel cuz I was not ganna be able to cope with Tia being stuck for several chapters lol

Damn I just saw the notice, I hope the author gets to move to a better company cuz wtf

I don’t really get why ppl don’t stop to think that maybe something else is going on with the cardinal and ruby, especially Freya and Izek…Freya has seen her ed and Izek has seen her whip markings, and then now after the kiss idk how Freya doesn’t notice the change in Ruby’s demeanor…but I guess its easier to say this when we r just the readers and we can see it all clearly