So is Seuhyuk and the black hair girl like together romantically or just siblings?
I’ve never been excited of a man and a horse reuniting
Sherina’s stronger than me because I would be hugging Charente everytime I see him
I feel bad reading this on an illegal website now. The author obviously needs the money for treatment or smth
What story have you read for the plot and regretted?
I get that he wants to live with him badly but realistically speaking, as long as he pays for majority (like 80/20) for that house, a house he chose without the other’s opinion, I don’t have a problem with that. And it seems like he’s kinda a newbie of their company so how can he pay for that nice of a house??? Just how much is he making
I dreamt to have three meals a day too when I was a kid. It was not because we didn’t have much, my parents did everything they could to put rice on the table, but because everytime I tried to eat more I had relatives who would scold me for eating too much so I ended up not having three meals a day while my cousins were fattening up like pigs. Just got reminiscing to those times because of Soah’s dream and man that chapter did a number on me.