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SageSelios April 12, 2021 3:33 am

I was actually shocked when he commented on her stuttering because if my memory isn't failing me no one other than her father has evry mentioned it. It truly told me how kind, at least it seems, the people around her are. I was honestly mad when he dared to comment on her stuttering, especially when she was getting comfortable with talking to others ヽ(`Д´)ノ

SageSelios March 12, 2021 2:39 pm

All of you calling Oscar useless don't seem to understand that not everyone has the will power or mentality to make a difference. I'm sure you read about characters overcoming their problems and prevailing but come on, you should it does not work like that all the time. Think about it, if you were to put 30 or so people in a room and ask how many are willing to risk their lives and livelihood for something that might not even work most likely less than 5. Stop acting like everyone has the ability to be strong and do good. Just because someone isn't actively doing something doesn't make them useless. As well as the fact Oscar isn't even that big of a plot point so in the end it doesn't even matter ( ̄へ ̄)

    peppa pig frog March 12, 2021 2:46 pm

    i agree. plus, oscar interfering might possibly even make the whole situation worse. even if i do want him to do something as he's being an aid to murder by being a bystander, i do think him staying silence is a good decision especially since he's not very influential or powerful to do anything.

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