lavender July 19, 2023 2:45 pm

don't y'all yet tired of back and forth??
By now I think the prince should just go find another person cause clearly if he is together with the protagnist he would experience how much half-hearted thier relationship is. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

lavender July 16, 2023 12:15 pm

Like I get it most female protagnist are like this but the plot armer is too thick. Like Wtf I expected at least 5 scenes of baddass protagnist moment not a naive pick me girl who is not like the other girls(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Dr-Erotica August 4, 2023 12:02 pm

    this author loves to make their women bad ass, and then let them down as the story progress.

    and we gonna be like, where did my queen go?

    Nikki August 29, 2023 7:26 am
    this author loves to make their women bad ass, and then let them down as the story progress.and we gonna be like, where did my queen go? Dr-Erotica

    I’m still searching lol. Her power sucks

lavender June 24, 2021 3:22 am


lavender June 5, 2021 4:38 pm

BY THIS POINT I DON'T MIND IF SOMEONE ISEKAI INTO HIS BODY AND DO WHATEVER WITH IT ┗( T﹏T )┛ just pls stop try to put cain into torture.... By doing this your not doing is character into justice. First of Cain wouldn't ever do this, he is the type to always be loyal to his friends and sacrifice himself so that others will be happy. Even lost his arm becouse he tried to protect someone... Now if you suddenly make it as if those thing never happen it's just now a bad script... All I want
Is for some justice for flipping his personality
1. Judging by the last screen he is ganna die or lose his eye
2.he'll either die or becomes a villain
3.why bother adding another villain to the story ?
4. The current villain is still in control
5. Yah think it's ok to shit on a character since you think it's right
Btw those who say "he has justice problem" like don't you also have a justice problem too?
Now all your doing is ruining a character of it's former glory but also talking shit about them when you used to really like them? Not only your making it sound worst your making it more bad then it is... Literally if he's already a shitty character wouldn't he already rape her?
And do you think the guy who never played his hand on anyone would do that? During some of the chapters he didn't kill her nor did he try to be rude to MC when she was doing so many experiments on him he just let her do whatever she wants. AND FUCK YOU PEOPLES WHO SAY ALL MEN IN THE STORY ARE TRASH YAH CLEARLY NEED TO READ IT AGAIN. Either your sexiest or you need help idk but you have no right to say those stuff about all male character in the manga. I'm just saying how much your putting dirt on the character than he accailly is... Or you just doing it cause you hate the manga and just putting all the blame in that one character.. Either way I'm the only one defending him

    maychan June 5, 2021 10:28 pm

    that is the story we got ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and Cain just a traitor kidnapper controlling freak now. just accept it and move on

    lavender June 5, 2021 10:33 pm
    that is the story we got ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and Cain just a traitor kidnapper controlling freak now. just accept it and move on maychan

    Could've happen if I didn't see so much hate ;-;.also pls fix your grammar that's not how you should adress anything and make more people comfused like "traitor kidnapper":3

    lavender June 5, 2021 10:36 pm
    Could've happen if I didn't see so much hate ;-;.also pls fix your grammar that's not how you should adress anything and make more people comfused like "traitor kidnapper":3 lavender

    You're just adding more fuel to the flame :)
    Glad to know that there are still people who act like they don't care but accially do care...
    Now don't take it from me, it was how you phrased your comment

    maychan June 5, 2021 11:13 pm
    Could've happen if I didn't see so much hate ;-;.also pls fix your grammar that's not how you should adress anything and make more people comfused like "traitor kidnapper":3 lavender

    a fact is still a fact, even if we whine about it. that what Cain character is now. whatever you accept it or not won't change the fact he is a traitor and a kidnapper now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ unless you live in denial like him. not going to stop you but the fact still reminds soo...get over it, he is fiction.

    lavender June 6, 2021 1:50 am
    a fact is still a fact, even if we whine about it. that what Cain character is now. whatever you accept it or not won't change the fact he is a traitor and a kidnapper now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ unless you live in ... maychan

    Welp I already know that without you reminding me :) welp your basically telling me that "YUH He is fiction I don't care" but then say "he is a traitor and a kidnapper" really set me off as your that kinda person who says it but accially doesn't do it :3 Btw talking like yeah get over it is like some sort of problem... You didn't say that to anyone ranting so why are you bring it up now? Honey I got better things to do but to talk to you and you'd probably have others thing to do other than to talk to me. Though you already waist your time reading this... Imma be honest I didn't ask for your opinion. Rather I posted this comment just to rant but your acting like it wrong to do that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ this is the internet you obviously didn't know. This is where people also post thier opinion. Obviously you will have type of people like me show up so keep strolling you won't find me agreeing with you either way hun. Case end and there YAH go how to waist someone's time :3

    maychan June 6, 2021 7:10 pm
    Welp I already know that without you reminding me :) welp your basically telling me that "YUH He is fiction I don't care" but then say "he is a traitor and a kidnapper" really set me off as your that kinda pers... lavender

    so he didn't kidnap Rina without her will? so you yeas she wanted to go with him? and yeas he is a traitor since he goes and took his lord women he knows his lord love without her will. so he can go and burn in hell for all I care
    since you keep whining about it like something is going to change about him if you whine and cry.

    lavender June 6, 2021 10:57 pm
    so he didn't kidnap Rina without her will? so you yeas she wanted to go with him? and yeas he is a traitor since he goes and took his lord women he knows his lord love without her will. so he can go and burn in... maychan

    You think I care about your opinion? No.
    Did I ask you for your opinion? No.
    Did I do it to relieve my stress? Yes.
    Did you really have you really want to continue shitting on me? Yes(since you people can't tell when someone is commenting to just save it from all the angry comment).
    Last of all do you have to comment on this whole drama? No ofcourse not
    Airn't you the immature one since your try to make me feel worst? Yes
    Did I comment on this to save Cain from all the hate? Yes
    Did you say "whine and cry" and also didn't know the consequence? Yuh and you clearly didn't care either.
    We could've made it into a friendly conversation and not harrass eachothed but you woke up and chose violence ( ̄へ ̄) I bet you didn't even read the whole comment I gave you. Yeah unlike you I'm not someone of the majority who thinks that Cain can be hated on all you want since no one is ganna disagree with you. I also bet you didn't know your rude comment was talking shit about me instead when I only spit out facts and detail while you only point out the details that support you.
    Not only are you harassing a stranger that you don't know your saying rude stuff on the internet too. Ofcourse you could've just ignored it like a normal person ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    Your comment was so short like your temper too (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    maychan June 7, 2021 7:10 am
    You think I care about your opinion? No.Did I ask you for your opinion? No.Did I do it to relieve my stress? Yes.Did you really have you really want to continue shitting on me? Yes(since you people can't tell w... lavender

    save from all the hate he deserves? don't make me laugh!!! STOP SUPPORT FUCKING KIDNAPPING!! it is wrong no matter what you say! and he only get FL killed
    the moment you support a kidnapping and say it is fine there will never be a nice conversation, cause u support a crime!

    lavender June 7, 2021 10:48 am

    Bush you really trying to twist my word huh?

    lavender June 7, 2021 10:52 am

    SOMEHOW YOUR TWISTING EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE I GAVE YOU (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 The only thing I talked about in my long messages are 1. About the character
    2.leave me alone.
    3.Stop try to m*ther f*cking harassing me!

    lavender June 7, 2021 10:53 am


lavender June 5, 2021 1:48 am

The main character look cute ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

lavender May 8, 2021 12:50 am

Your running to your husband right :D?ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

lavender May 3, 2021 10:40 pm

Dear person who made the plot,

I know exactly what your ganna do , your planning to make our tiger baby look like a bad person and make it seemed like the MC did the right thing by cheating on his boyfriend. Therefore I will ask you to stop what your doing look in the mirror and ask yourself Wtf is this plot and decide to rewrite the plot :) if not I will personally do so for you so that our tiger baby does not need to be anywhere near the cheating hoe MC thank very much for your hard work as a plot writer and you need need help. Thank you for reading this -sign the girl who just wants her happy ending ╥﹏╥

    SHIFUJO May 3, 2021 11:06 pm

    ... but the honam actually have a fiance the MC did a bad thing by cheating but honam is soooooo not innocent at all he gosted his bf and then his fiance came back and talked to the mc and not honam want Idk what?? everyone is doing wrong things in this story so honam is not better than the MC

    lavender May 4, 2021 12:05 am

    Gurl that is so true! But it's not like honam had a fiance because the want to, being a relationship is really scary cause your have to trust one another since both of them didn't trust eachother even AFTER 4 years I really wonder why they can't solve this one problem ;-; I just felt like homan got the short end of the stick by not telling us readers why he would do such thing as to hide his fiance (that he doesn't want to be with) and making us feel like we should hate him for it!!! So I think homan need to have somsone by his side since CLEARLY the person who decided the plot wants the MC to cheat and saying it's OK to cheat on someone ヽ(`Д´)ノ of course the reason why I'm sticking by homan's side is because he wanted to tell the MC what's happening but the MC decided to ignore it!! I hope you understand why I'm so trying to say! And yes I do agree both of them need to talk it out BUT the plot writer really said no hun that guy will be a villain for the sake of being evil for no reason what so ever!!!! I really just want a happy ending for homan cause I have a feeling they person writing the plot won't be willing to write an actual good ending (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    SHIFUJO May 4, 2021 4:57 am
    Gurl that is so true! But it's not like honam had a fiance because the want to, being a relationship is really scary cause your have to trust one another since both of them didn't trust eachother even AFTER 4 y... lavender

    I really love your point of view but I saw some of the raws and some ppl who read a lot of the raws said that honam is just not worth it. Maybe you’re tight and I guess on’y the future translated chapters will tell us if honam is just a jerk or he should have his happy end too. But tbh I don’t know why but I think honam is not totally mad about having a fiancé cause it’s just weird after 4 years he didn’t say anything?

    lavender May 4, 2021 11:18 am

    I been wondering how long did he get had a fiance for? Because they never told us anything about that it's only a theory but maybe he ran away from home so he doesn't have to be engaged with the girl????

    SHIFUJO May 4, 2021 10:54 pm
    I been wondering how long did he get had a fiance for? Because they never told us anything about that it's only a theory but maybe he ran away from home so he doesn't have to be engaged with the girl???? lavender

    It's sooo weird I know but I don't think he ran away from home. My theory is that he is not totally against the fact that he will be married to the girl

    lavender May 4, 2021 10:59 pm

    There wasn't much interaction between them though~ maybe since he in a marrage where there's no love then he must've think he can still be together with the MC? I mean it's not like I should hate the person I'm engaged to since I really don't have much of an connection with them. It doesn't mean I not against it the person who arranged the marriage is the person I won't like not the person who was also dragged along the way to be married to me ;-;

    lavender May 4, 2021 11:01 pm

    The whole reason this drama event was happening was just the new that homan was getting engaged ;-;

lavender May 2, 2021 12:10 pm

Wow you prefer characters helpless? Nine ain't helpless he deserved to have an opinion and his own emotions. He's a person errr werewolf and he deserved the right to speak up. Your getting annoyed at him now since he's not cute anymore??? If your a true fan than you support nine no matter what happens since he always had reasons for his action ( ̄へ ̄)

lavender April 18, 2021 6:02 pm

Sir that's called manipulating a person's weakness so that you can have what you want (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 JUST LET THEM WORK IT OUT

lavender April 4, 2021 11:49 am


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