a_fellow_fujoshi July 20, 2021 5:49 am

Sooo like am I the only one who wants to see Byul as an omega so the family's "curse" of alphas comes to an end?

a_fellow_fujoshi June 26, 2021 5:00 am

Ik he's an asshole but THEY FINALLY KISSED

a_fellow_fujoshi February 6, 2021 5:03 pm

U guys nobody told u to read the whole fucking thing plus at the end it was kinda cute also I NEVER SAID PEDOPHILIA IS RT in just saying stop hating on the author and keep ur opinions to yourself

    Brapple February 7, 2021 3:56 am

    You do realize you’re basically saying “guys even though this promotes pedophilia KEEP UR OPINIONS TO URSELF don’t try to speak up against the glorification and promotion of pedophilia!!!” Yeah you look dumb as fuck shut up. It’s not cute or quirky or hot at all you fucking closet pedo.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 7, 2021 9:40 am
    You do realize you’re basically saying “guys even though this promotes pedophilia KEEP UR OPINIONS TO URSELF don’t try to speak up against the glorification and promotion of pedophilia!!!” Yeah you look... Brapple

    Haha so fucking funny who tf said I was trying to be quirky u dumbass bitch and yea ik its pedophilia but leave the fucking author alone if u don't like it then leave u fucking bitch

    Brapple February 7, 2021 5:03 pm
    Haha so fucking funny who tf said I was trying to be quirky u dumbass bitch and yea ik its pedophilia but leave the fucking author alone if u don't like it then leave u fucking bitch a_fellow_fujoshi

    This is the problem with society. You dismiss real issues as minding your own business. If you see pedophilia being glorified and/or promoted you should speak up against it. You sound real fucking dumb right now.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 7, 2021 5:25 pm
    This is the problem with society. You dismiss real issues as minding your own business. If you see pedophilia being glorified and/or promoted you should speak up against it. You sound real fucking dumb right no... Brapple

    Like u said IF U DON'T LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE U DUMBASS BITCH jeez I never said it was alright I'm just saying stop giving the author shit

    tatiisok February 8, 2021 1:28 am
    Like u said IF U DON'T LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE U DUMBASS BITCH jeez I never said it was alright I'm just saying stop giving the author shit a_fellow_fujoshi

    yo calm your ass down lol. We are simply stating our opinions because this is pedophila. youre doing too much

    Brapple February 8, 2021 1:46 am
    Like u said IF U DON'T LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE U DUMBASS BITCH jeez I never said it was alright I'm just saying stop giving the author shit a_fellow_fujoshi

    Ah yes just let people openly create and promote pedophilia! What a great idea!! /s

    Brapple February 8, 2021 1:47 am
    yo calm your ass down lol. We are simply stating our opinions because this is pedophila. youre doing too much tatiisok

    No you’re literally just too stupid to understand how this is wrong. It endorses and glorifies pedophilia. STOP TRYING TO JUSTIFY IT.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 2:00 am
    Ah yes just let people openly create and promote pedophilia! What a great idea!! /s Brapple

    Its. A. Fucking. Manga. Calm. Ur. Tits. Bro.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 2:02 am
    yo calm your ass down lol. We are simply stating our opinions because this is pedophila. youre doing too much tatiisok

    I'm not doing to much I'm just saying that it's a manga and that if ppl don't like it then they don't have to read it and ppl need to stop giving the author shit, plus this isn't reality it's a fucking manga.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 2:09 am
    I'm not doing to much I'm just saying that it's a manga and that if ppl don't like it then they don't have to read it and ppl need to stop giving the author shit, plus this isn't reality it's a fucking manga. a_fellow_fujoshi

    LOL I’m done arguing with somebody as ignorant as yourself, you’re a closet pedo and it shows.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 3:04 am
    LOL I’m done arguing with somebody as ignorant as yourself, you’re a closet pedo and it shows. Brapple

    Pfft okie bye bye hoe

    Brapple February 8, 2021 3:16 am
    Pfft okie bye bye hoe a_fellow_fujoshi

    PLS NOT THE “okie” you’re a horny 12 year old and it shows. Get a life babe.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 3:46 am
    PLS NOT THE “okie” you’re a horny 12 year old and it shows. Get a life babe. Brapple

    Funny u think I'm a 12 year older than that u dumbass bitch and I thought u said u weren't gunna argue with me anymore

    Brapple February 8, 2021 4:43 am
    Funny u think I'm a 12 year older than that u dumbass bitch and I thought u said u weren't gunna argue with me anymore a_fellow_fujoshi

    Girl with that grammar you are DEFINITELY 12, not only can you not type for shit but you can’t comprehend shit either! To sum it up for your little uwu okie head ass because you couldn’t understand I meant; I’m not going to argue with you about this manga because you’re OBVIOUSLY wrong. PLS stop embarrassing yourself.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 2:59 pm
    Girl with that grammar you are DEFINITELY 12, not only can you not type for shit but you can’t comprehend shit either! To sum it up for your little uwu okie head ass because you couldn’t understand I meant;... Brapple

    Omfg u fucking bitch u acting like a whole ass 10 year old rn. And OBVIOUSLY ur the one who don't understand and u just don't like losing to someone that's why ur still here fucking arguing with me u stupid bitch

    tatiisok February 8, 2021 4:18 pm
    No you’re literally just too stupid to understand how this is wrong. It endorses and glorifies pedophilia. STOP TRYING TO JUSTIFY IT. Brapple

    bro i’m your side wtf please learn to read what you reply too

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 4:45 pm
    Girl with that grammar you are DEFINITELY 12, not only can you not type for shit but you can’t comprehend shit either! To sum it up for your little uwu okie head ass because you couldn’t understand I meant;... Brapple

    O O gawd damn it was nnot that serious we get it pedophillia it's not good but it was created someones imagination read it give it a bad rating and move on with your day babe. You aint gotta do allof that because they agreed with you plus the author really didn't deserve them death threats lol ( ̄へ ̄)

    Brapple February 8, 2021 6:19 pm
    O O gawd damn it was nnot that serious we get it pedophillia it's not good but it was created someones imagination read it give it a bad rating and move on with your day babe. You aint gotta do allof that becau... Official_Sugamama

    I’m sorry but with the use “sugamama” your opinion is COMPLETELY irrelevant.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 6:20 pm
    bro i’m your side wtf please learn to read what you reply too tatiisok


    Brapple February 8, 2021 7:07 pm
    I’m sorry but with the use “sugamama” your opinion is COMPLETELY irrelevant. Brapple


    Fish February 8, 2021 7:23 pm

    This is not okay, This needs to be deleted and their's nothing cute about it. This is pedophilia nothing is cute about pedophilia

    Fish February 8, 2021 7:33 pm
    Like u said IF U DON'T LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE U DUMBASS BITCH jeez I never said it was alright I'm just saying stop giving the author shit a_fellow_fujoshi

    Don't try to demolish the fact that this is child porn + pedophilia. Nothing is cute about this and it's very disgusting. yeah it's just a manga, but this happens in real life too. and the fact you're trying to justify it, and trying to shut us for speaking about it is disgusting. Yeah, you're right people do not deserve death threats. But the author was very wrong for this, and I bet he/she knew what would happen if they were gonna draw this..

    Fish February 8, 2021 7:45 pm
    Omfg u fucking bitch u acting like a whole ass 10 year old rn. And OBVIOUSLY ur the one who don't understand and u just don't like losing to someone that's why ur still here fucking arguing with me u stupid bit... a_fellow_fujoshi

    You are actually the one acting like the 10 year old, no wonder why you fujoshi's have a bad reputation of normalizing abuse, r@pe, p3dophillia, and ext. This manga right here is not okay and never will be. And I'm actually very scared for you. If you can try to justify fictional p3dophila who knows if you can support it in real life. You are trying to promote p3dophilla and trying to defend the point that it's disgusting and nasty. If you have to let someone explain this to you, you shouldn't be on this site at all, I won't be telling you anything anymore. your puny little brain wouldn't understand after all.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 7:54 pm
    I’m sorry but with the use “sugamama” your opinion is COMPLETELY irrelevant. Brapple

    Not you being immature and playing with my user name ma'am/sir/they/them whoever you might go by relax your just a bit angry and my opinion is completely relevant and valid I feel like your one of those anime gate keepers( ̄∇ ̄") Plus you look like a more childish and shitty person by saying my opinion is irrevelant a point was proven move on lol you really didn't have to argue with them like that

    Fish February 8, 2021 8:01 pm
    Not you being immature and playing with my user name ma'am/sir/they/them whoever you might go by relax your just a bit angry and my opinion is completely relevant and valid I feel like your one of those anime g... Official_Sugamama

    I don't blame him. I would be angry too if someones trying to defend a person who's creating/promoting pedophilia and child porn. and he can argue with this random person however he wants.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 8:06 pm
    User* Brapple

    Pardon me if I'm worng but aren't you or someone you know Fish that other user?

    He joined 2/8/21 you joined 12/21 (promise im not stalking that's weird af I like making sure I know what im talking about but its a bit sus) and you both commented under the same Original comment and the only person Fish follows is you plus the last 2 public manga ratings on Fish's account was attempting to call out pedophillia on an aged up Haikyuu comic and rated 8/10 onA Guy Like You because the mc was essentially raped?

    Again if I'm wrong sorry but that's weird if it is you because making a new account to "gang up" on one person for their opinion is horrible.

    Fish February 8, 2021 8:14 pm
    Pardon me if I'm worng but aren't you or someone you know Fish that other user?He joined 2/8/21 you joined 12/21 (promise im not stalking that's weird af I like making sure I know what im talking about but its ... Official_Sugamama

    No. I don't even know this person? and I followed him because he's educated. :)

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 8:17 pm
    I don't blame him. I would be angry too if someones trying to defend a person who's creating/promoting pedophilia and child porn. and he can argue with this random person however he wants. Fish

    I'm certain the fujoshi wasn't defending the comic but the author itself no matter what anybody does they don't deserve death threats either how, the author acknowledged they did something that offended others and apologized for it but getting mad at the someone for defending another is never the right way to go about it and that goes for anything I don't care if someone put actual C.P on here I wouldn't threaten the author just give the manga a bad rating so it sinks to a lower position and eventually gets deleted and move on with my day that's how you avoid problems like these

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 8:19 pm
    No. I don't even know this person? and I followed him because he's educated. :) Fish

    lol Like I said apologies if I was wrong but it was ultimately hella sus with the manga rating being the first you've read there and the fact you suddenly found this after joining like today or yesterday(I forgot what day it is)-

    Fish February 8, 2021 8:22 pm
    lol Like I said apologies if I was wrong but it was ultimately hella sus with the manga rating being the first you've read there and the fact you suddenly found this after joining like today or yesterday(I forg... Official_Sugamama

    Because I've been on mangago.zone and I decided to make an account instead of putting topics anonymously.

    Fish February 8, 2021 8:24 pm
    I'm certain the fujoshi wasn't defending the comic but the author itself no matter what anybody does they don't deserve death threats either how, the author acknowledged they did something that offended others ... Official_Sugamama

    People handle things different, any normal educated person would curse at someone who's trying to defend someone for creating/promoting child porn and pedophilia.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 8:36 pm
    People handle things different, any normal educated person would curse at someone who's trying to defend someone for creating/promoting child porn and pedophilia. Fish

    I mean I'm a normal and very educated person but even I did that mature thing and defended the Fujoshi and author as they didn't really deserve those threats and the vulgarity of a simple disagreement(neither author nor commenter actually defended the slightly offensive manga Fujoshi said don't send death threats because they don't deserve it and the author graciously apologized and I haven't seen any other of their works where this has happened on different websites including their own)

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 8:41 pm
    I mean I'm a normal and very educated person but even I did that mature thing and defended the Fujoshi and author as they didn't really deserve those threats and the vulgarity of a simple disagreement(neither a... Official_Sugamama

    ofc I also graciously respect the opinions but if I'm speaking honestly the storyline and plot weren't too bad the only wrong part was they introduced a sexual relationship in horrible timing disrupting the fluff and soiling the innocence of the middle school Midoriya honestly it could've been an interesting time-skip episode if Horikoshi made it himself

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:20 pm
    O O gawd damn it was nnot that serious we get it pedophillia it's not good but it was created someones imagination read it give it a bad rating and move on with your day babe. You aint gotta do allof that becau... Official_Sugamama

    Exactly thank you

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:22 pm
    I’m sorry but with the use “sugamama” your opinion is COMPLETELY irrelevant. Brapple

    Bitch stfu ur username ain't even a fucking word

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:23 pm
    People handle things different, any normal educated person would curse at someone who's trying to defend someone for creating/promoting child porn and pedophilia. Fish

    You are so unbelievably educated. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity omfg.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:23 pm
    You are actually the one acting like the 10 year old, no wonder why you fujoshi's have a bad reputation of normalizing abuse, r@pe, p3dophillia, and ext. This manga right here is not okay and never will be. And... Fish

    Bitch this has nothing to do with rape or abuse like tf

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:28 pm
    Not you being immature and playing with my user name ma'am/sir/they/them whoever you might go by relax your just a bit angry and my opinion is completely relevant and valid I feel like your one of those anime g... Official_Sugamama

    I don’t gate keep I just find that head canon stupid. The term “sugamama” was made to push feminine stereotypes on sugawara that don’t accurately represent gay people. You don’t sound childish you literally just sound stupid. Sure somebody “created it with their imagination” but don’t undermine the fact that pedophilia exists you fucking moron. It’s fucked and I’m gonna say something about it.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:28 pm
    I'm certain the fujoshi wasn't defending the comic but the author itself no matter what anybody does they don't deserve death threats either how, the author acknowledged they did something that offended others ... Official_Sugamama

    Thank you so much TwT that's the point I was trying to make

    Fish February 8, 2021 9:28 pm
    Bitch this has nothing to do with rape or abuse like tf a_fellow_fujoshi

    Pretty much does.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:30 pm
    Bitch stfu ur username ain't even a fucking word a_fellow_fujoshi

    GIRL at least mine doesn’t push harmful stereotypes on the gay community. Stay pressed dumb ass. You still salty??

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:31 pm
    Bitch this has nothing to do with rape or abuse like tf a_fellow_fujoshi

    A child cannot consent. That’s rape. How uneducated can you be holy shit?? Touch grass you fucking moron.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:32 pm
    Pretty much does. Fish

    Excuse me but where bro there was consent

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:33 pm
    This is not okay, This needs to be deleted and their's nothing cute about it. This is pedophilia nothing is cute about pedophilia Fish


    Fish February 8, 2021 9:35 pm
    I mean I'm a normal and very educated person but even I did that mature thing and defended the Fujoshi and author as they didn't really deserve those threats and the vulgarity of a simple disagreement(neither a... Official_Sugamama

    You are being a hypocrite. This person has also called @brapple "B1tch" and ext. And even called me the B word too. ANY person would get mad at someone for trying to defend pedophilia and child porn and call them insults because that's disgusting. And it isn't a simple disagreement it's a big one, Because someone trying to defend pedophilia and child porn NEEDS HELP. If it was a simple agreement no one would be lashing out and sending death threats to certain people.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:36 pm
    Pardon me if I'm worng but aren't you or someone you know Fish that other user?He joined 2/8/21 you joined 12/21 (promise im not stalking that's weird af I like making sure I know what im talking about but its ... Official_Sugamama

    what??? I can understand how you came to that conclusion but no we’re not the same person, we don’t even know each other... we can just both acknowledge the fact that this shit is fucked up and shouldn’t be defended. Not everybody is that desperate to prove you wrong.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:37 pm
    Excuse me but where bro there was consent a_fellow_fujoshi

    You cannot consent if you are a minor. Get your facts straight.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:37 pm
    GIRL at least mine doesn’t push harmful stereotypes on the gay community. Stay pressed dumb ass. You still salty?? Brapple

    Could u please not call me girl bc I'm not a girl also I don't think I'm the salty one here

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:38 pm
    A child cannot consent. That’s rape. How uneducated can you be holy shit?? Touch grass you fucking moron. Brapple

    I don't want to it's to cold outside

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:40 pm
    Could u please not call me girl bc I'm not a girl also I don't think I'm the salty one here a_fellow_fujoshi

    Oh sorry about that I won’t call you girl. I usually call everybody girl but I understand if your not comfortable with that. And bitch you most definitely are salty, you want to drag out shit SO badly on me (even if it’s a HARMLESS user) because I’ve proved you wrong numerous times right?? Pls STFU!!!

    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:41 pm
    I don't want to it's to cold outside a_fellow_fujoshi

    Hahahahah wow ur so funny LOLOPOLIOL ROFL. I totally meant to literally go outside!!!

    Fish February 8, 2021 9:43 pm
    A child cannot consent. That’s rape. How uneducated can you be holy shit?? Touch grass you fucking moron. Brapple

    He's definitely 10 or 11.

    Fish February 8, 2021 9:45 pm
    You are being a hypocrite. This person has also called @brapple "B1tch" and ext. And even called me the B word too. ANY person would get mad at someone for trying to defend pedophilia and child porn and call ... Fish


    Brapple February 8, 2021 9:45 pm
    He's definitely 10 or 11. Fish


    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:47 pm
    Oh sorry about that I won’t call you girl. I usually call everybody girl but I understand if your not comfortable with that. And bitch you most definitely are salty, you want to drag out shit SO badly on me (... Brapple

    Proved me wrong? I'm never said pedophilia was right I just said to stop giving the author shit plus I'm pretty sure that's not what they had in mind while making this

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 9:48 pm
    He's definitely 10 or 11. Fish

    Me? Also I'm not a he

    Fish February 8, 2021 9:58 pm
    Me? Also I'm not a he a_fellow_fujoshi

    All I'm gonna say is if your 12 or 11 get off this site. It's clearly not for you because you didn't even know a minor cannot consent. Please get off before you say the most dumbest shit like you already did right now, because I promise you people will email/ you and give you death threats.

    Brapple February 8, 2021 10:13 pm
    Proved me wrong? I'm never said pedophilia was right I just said to stop giving the author shit plus I'm pretty sure that's not what they had in mind while making this a_fellow_fujoshi

    That is EXACTLY what they had in mind. They PURPOSELY went out of their way to age down Deku and age up Todoroki. What the fuck do you mean that’s “not what they meant”.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 10:19 pm
    All I'm gonna say is if your 12 or 11 get off this site. It's clearly not for you because you didn't even know a minor cannot consent. Please get off before you say the most dumbest shit like you already did ri... Fish

    Fine by me it's not like I wanna live anyways also I'm not 12

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 10:21 pm
    That is EXACTLY what they had in mind. They PURPOSELY went out of their way to age down Deku and age up Todoroki. What the fuck do you mean that’s “not what they meant”. Brapple

    Idk maybe they wanted to make something that was like todoroki not being able to confess his feeling so he told the younger deku but I'll agree the seggs part was to much

    Brapple February 8, 2021 10:33 pm
    Idk maybe they wanted to make something that was like todoroki not being able to confess his feeling so he told the younger deku but I'll agree the seggs part was to much a_fellow_fujoshi

    Why are you trying to justify this manga?? It’s VERY obvious it was made with malicious intent. I doubt if todoroki were to be willing to have sex with Deku when he was a LITERAL minor he would have no problem confessing his feelings... Stop defending the manga.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 10:50 pm
    I don’t gate keep I just find that head canon stupid. The term “sugamama” was made to push feminine stereotypes on sugawara that don’t accurately represent gay people. You don’t sound childish you lit... Brapple

    There was no reason for all that cursing first of all like relax I'm not abusing youor some shit so dont curse at me. Second The creator of Haikyuu! said himself "Koushi is the type of character that brings you comfort and encouragement like a mom friend" so idk where you got all that from. Third my point being it(the manga) came from the imagination I never said that pedophilia doesnt exist Ive been a victim of pedophilia its disgusting which is why im so quick to defend the author and Fujoshi-san there was an apology the author awknowledged their mistake fucking relax

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 10:53 pm
    You are being a hypocrite. This person has also called @brapple "B1tch" and ext. And even called me the B word too. ANY person would get mad at someone for trying to defend pedophilia and child porn and call ... Fish

    Did brapple not participate in the excessive profanities aswell?

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:06 pm

    Oh my actual fuck atp Brapple Fish I'm sure your both lovely people but your arguing with us for the wrong reasons. We all came to an equal consensus multiple times that the manga was fucked up because of the sex alright we get it.

    Fujoshi-san and I both defended the author themselves and NOT the manga so please do not come at us for that yes the author wrote dumb shit once they apologized and took it down from their website along with the others like it but they didn't deserve fucking death threats which was what we we're trying to fucking prove.

    Brapple and Fish your saying that we're trying to justify rape and other illegal sexual tendencies just because it's(the manga) fake, as a victim of pedophilia and unfortunately rape I will refuse to accept us being called names because you want to push your opinions so hard.

    Pedophilia is wrong gross disgusting all of the above, Brapple and Fish you defended the implication of a sexual relationship between two people with an age gap and I respect that but your too blind to see the point that Fujoshi-san and I we're trying to make.

    The author is a real person with feelings, and getting death threats isn't fun which is what we tried to say again WE DIDN'T DEFEND THE MANGA JUST THE AUTHOR, so I believe on both sides we owe one another an apology for the miscommunication or not if you want to be a stubborn ass who can't be mature and own up to their own mistakes.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:07 pm
    Why are you trying to justify this manga?? It’s VERY obvious it was made with malicious intent. I doubt if todoroki were to be willing to have sex with Deku when he was a LITERAL minor he would have no proble... Brapple

    wytb no one is justifying this shit-

    Brapple February 8, 2021 11:12 pm
    wytb no one is justifying this shit- Official_Sugamama

    Half of the stuff your responding to doesn’t even involve you... stop meddling.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:15 pm
    Why are you trying to justify this manga?? It’s VERY obvious it was made with malicious intent. I doubt if todoroki were to be willing to have sex with Deku when he was a LITERAL minor he would have no proble... Brapple

    I'm not defending the manga

    Brapple February 8, 2021 11:15 pm
    Oh my actual fuck atp Brapple Fish I'm sure your both lovely people but your arguing with us for the wrong reasons. We all came to an equal consensus multiple times that the manga was fucked up because of the s... Official_Sugamama

    TW// Fujoshi defended the manga several times and even stated that the sex was consentual. How am I not supposed to get mad?? I apologize for taking it out of proportion but this shit pisses me off because when I was younger I was groomed and I didn’t even realize I was being groomed. You haven’t defended the manga but fujoshi sure as hell did and I will NOT stand for that. And either way why the fuck would you even try to defend the author..?

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:15 pm
    Half of the stuff your responding to doesn’t even involve you... stop meddling. Brapple

    I was involved as soon as someone said something back, and the fact that your still going is showing your immaturity. Also stop meddling?? How're you gon say sumn to me and not fish who also meddled im not tryna pin blame but thats weird bro

    Brapple February 8, 2021 11:18 pm

    Not what I’m saying at all, I’m saying it wasn’t directed to you. You aren’t trying to justify it, fujoshi is. You’re not that in the wrong here.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:20 pm
    Oh my actual fuck atp Brapple Fish I'm sure your both lovely people but your arguing with us for the wrong reasons. We all came to an equal consensus multiple times that the manga was fucked up because of the s... Official_Sugamama

    First off I'm rlly sorry that happened to you, 2nd thank you so much, and 3rd please marry me (I'm jp) bc ur rlly nice and ur trying to understand both sides

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:20 pm
    TW// Fujoshi defended the manga several times and even stated that the sex was consentual. How am I not supposed to get mad?? I apologize for taking it out of proportion but this shit pisses me off because when... Brapple

    Mmm now I see that after the fact Fujoshi-san defended the manga a bit just by saying there was consent but it was still disturbing(meaning they still acknowledged it was wrong but I even said the sex was what made that whole thing weird besides from that the plot itself could've been an ep) and I defended the author because death threats are unacceptable no matter who it is.

    Also I'm sorry to hear about you being groomed I can relate mine happened when I was about 6-13 but we all need to expand our pov's and explore the possibilities of miscommunication

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:24 pm
    TW// Fujoshi defended the manga several times and even stated that the sex was consentual. How am I not supposed to get mad?? I apologize for taking it out of proportion but this shit pisses me off because when... Brapple

    Brapple February 8, 2021 11:25 pm
    Mmm now I see that after the fact Fujoshi-san defended the manga a bit just by saying there was consent but it was still disturbing(meaning they still acknowledged it was wrong but I even said the sex was what ... Official_Sugamama

    I can see where your coming from. I got groomed by my stepbrother starting from when I was like 8-12 and have been too scared to speak about it irl so this shit means a lot to me. Respectfully disagree on some of your claims, but I’m happy we can see eye to eye now.

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:27 pm
    First off I'm rlly sorry that happened to you, 2nd thank you so much, and 3rd please marry me (I'm jp) bc ur rlly nice and ur trying to understand both sides a_fellow_fujoshi

    Yeah there's no point in blindly following one side without trying to understand both nI completely understood what both parties were trying to say it's just that everyone is so true to their opinions that nobody paid attention. 2 Thank you for saying I'm nice and 3 it happened years ago(I'm legally 17 now so I could understand properly what happened enough to share)

    Brapple February 8, 2021 11:31 pm
    Yeah there's no point in blindly following one side without trying to understand both nI completely understood what both parties were trying to say it's just that everyone is so true to their opinions that nobo... Official_Sugamama

    I hope you’re recovering from that shit now man, happy we could meet each other (despite not getting off in the right foot haha.)

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:32 pm
    I can see where your coming from. I got groomed by my stepbrother starting from when I was like 8-12 and have been too scared to speak about it irl so this shit means a lot to me. Respectfully disagree on some ... Brapple

    I am glad we've come to a happy and positive agreement, and I am happy you gave me a bit of acknowledgement by saying you respectfully disagreed with some of my claims that was very mature of you and I'm happy(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:34 pm
    I hope you’re recovering from that shit now man, happy we could meet each other (despite not getting off in the right foot haha.) Brapple

    Yes I am too pleased we've related and are now on okay terms I also hope your doing well If you have any questions or would like to speak you can easily contact me which goes for anyone

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:36 pm
    I can see where your coming from. I got groomed by my stepbrother starting from when I was like 8-12 and have been too scared to speak about it irl so this shit means a lot to me. Respectfully disagree on some ... Brapple

    I'm sorry but what does grooming mean my Mexican ass doesn't understand also sorry for fighting with u

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:36 pm
    First off I'm rlly sorry that happened to you, 2nd thank you so much, and 3rd please marry me (I'm jp) bc ur rlly nice and ur trying to understand both sides a_fellow_fujoshi

    I would also figuratively marry you but my s.o says no We tried (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:37 pm
    I'm sorry but what does grooming mean my Mexican ass doesn't understand also sorry for fighting with u a_fellow_fujoshi

    Grooming is a way of "teaching" people way younger or more mentally innocent than you to preform sexual or pleasing acts if that makes sense sorry

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:39 pm

    Sorry I meant to reply to this I was saying that I said that out of anger I don't know if he actually said that bc I just skimmed through bc I didn't wanna see them having seggs

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:40 pm
    I would also figuratively marry you but my s.o says no We tried (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Official_Sugamama

    it's ok I was jp anyways

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:41 pm
    Sorry I meant to reply to this I was saying that I said that out of anger I don't know if he actually said that bc I just skimmed through bc I didn't wanna see them having seggs a_fellow_fujoshi

    And that's okay you made a mistake and owned up to it that(▰˘◡˘▰)

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:42 pm
    Grooming is a way of "teaching" people way younger or more mentally innocent than you to preform sexual or pleasing acts if that makes sense sorry Official_Sugamama

    Ok then does it mean it's bad that I knew what sex was by the time I was in 2nd grade?

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 8, 2021 11:43 pm
    And that's okay you made a mistake and owned up to it that(▰˘◡˘▰) Official_Sugamama

    I can'tttt omfg WHY ARE U SO NICEEEEE I could never

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:46 pm
    Ok then does it mean it's bad that I knew what sex was by the time I was in 2nd grade? a_fellow_fujoshi

    Nope that's normal that was just normal means of education but it's only bad if someone older than you is forcing or manipulating you into it

    Official_Sugamama February 8, 2021 11:49 pm
    I can'tttt omfg WHY ARE U SO NICEEEEE I could never a_fellow_fujoshi

    Haha I try my best to be as kind as possible but as you may have seen even I have my limits like a normal person (u-u)

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 9, 2021 12:06 am
    Haha I try my best to be as kind as possible but as you may have seen even I have my limits like a normal person (u-u) Official_Sugamama

    Ofc everyone does but I got mad bc the were telling the author a bunch of shit

    Official_Sugamama February 9, 2021 12:24 am
    Ofc everyone does but I got mad bc the were telling the author a bunch of shit a_fellow_fujoshi

    and thats fair you too have emotions like anyone else ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:27 am
    Oh my actual fuck atp Brapple Fish I'm sure your both lovely people but your arguing with us for the wrong reasons. We all came to an equal consensus multiple times that the manga was fucked up because of the s... Official_Sugamama

    Um no. I did not curse at anybody but state my facts. So NO! I will not be apologizing. I did nothing wrong. And first of all, Fujoshi san or whatever you wanna call it. SAID HE GAVE "CONSENT". Brapple had to go out of her way and say MINORS CANNOT CONSENT. Like they're trying to make an excuse about it. Fujoshi even said it was Cute. Nothing was cute it was completely disgusting and nasty. And I will not be apologizing for something I didn't do.

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:28 am
    Um no. I did not curse at anybody but state my facts. So NO! I will not be apologizing. I did nothing wrong. And first of all, Fujoshi san or whatever you wanna call it. SAID HE GAVE "CONSENT". Brapple had to g... Fish


    Fish February 9, 2021 12:30 am
    I hope you’re recovering from that shit now man, happy we could meet each other (despite not getting off in the right foot haha.) Brapple

    Also I didn't mean to call you a her It was auto correct I'm very sorry.

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:33 am
    and thats fair you too have emotions like anyone else ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Official_Sugamama

    But okay, I guess they learned from their mistakes. however I won't be apologizing they should be apologizing to me for throwing profanity at me.

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 9, 2021 12:34 am
    Um no. I did not curse at anybody but state my facts. So NO! I will not be apologizing. I did nothing wrong. And first of all, Fujoshi san or whatever you wanna call it. SAID HE GAVE "CONSENT". Brapple had to g... Fish

    Bro we already stopped fighting calm down

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 9, 2021 12:36 am
    But okay, I guess they learned from their mistakes. however I won't be apologizing they should be apologizing to me for throwing profanity at me. Fish

    I already said sorry but if u don't want to it's not my problem

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:38 am
    Yes I am too pleased we've related and are now on okay terms I also hope your doing well If you have any questions or would like to speak you can easily contact me which goes for anyone Official_Sugamama

    Me and brapple were always on okay terms with you.

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:42 am
    I already said sorry but if u don't want to it's not my problem a_fellow_fujoshi

    MMM ok. I'll be off have a nice life??? goodbye

    Official_Sugamama February 9, 2021 12:42 am
    Me and brapple were always on okay terms with you. Fish

    I mean Brapple didn't always like me but we're all fine now everyone apologized besides from you but it's whatever we're all buds now

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:43 am
    Bro we already stopped fighting calm down a_fellow_fujoshi

    And I came late because I needed to answer the replys , but since it's done I'm leaving goodbye

    Fish February 9, 2021 12:44 am
    I mean Brapple didn't always like me but we're all fine now everyone apologized besides from you but it's whatever we're all buds now Official_Sugamama

    why should I apologize i did nothing but ok..

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 9, 2021 12:50 am
    And I came late because I needed to answer the replys , but since it's done I'm leaving goodbye Fish

    Ok bye bro

    Brapple February 9, 2021 5:57 am
    why should I apologize i did nothing but ok.. Fish

    Uhm yeah dw you didn’t do anything, if anything you did the right thing.

    YourLocalDegenerate February 9, 2021 6:00 pm

    deku is mentally a middle schooler wtf

    Official_Sugamama February 9, 2021 9:21 pm
    deku is mentally a middle schooler wtf YourLocalDegenerate

    please im not trying to be rude but I(or we?) just ended a 3 day long argument with alot of effort before you comment anything to spark some backlash read everything and realized we've already came to that conclusion (/TДT)/

    spooky vaginosis February 18, 2021 6:43 pm

    I hope author dies. World would be a better place. You should die too you dumb fuck. No one loves you anyways. Supporting child porn and shit, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

    Official_Sugamama February 18, 2021 7:32 pm
    I hope author dies. World would be a better place. You should die too you dumb fuck. No one loves you anyways. Supporting child porn and shit, what the fuck is wrong with your brain? spooky vaginosis

    If you were even the least bit intelligent you would know from reading the previous replies and comments that no one is supporting child porn the author just didn't deserve death threat and real mature saying that they should die ( ̄へ ̄)

    spooky vaginosis February 18, 2021 7:48 pm
    If you were even the least bit intelligent you would know from reading the previous replies and comments that no one is supporting child porn the author just didn't deserve death threat and real mature saying t... Official_Sugamama

    Drawing child porn is supporting it so obviously the author does lmfao. therefore defending this manga and author, voting it 5 stars is also supporting child porn :) ur right the author dont even deserve a threat, I should just hire a hitman immediately

    NiceGuy1000 February 18, 2021 7:57 pm
    Drawing child porn is supporting it so obviously the author does lmfao. therefore defending this manga and author, voting it 5 stars is also supporting child porn :) ur right the author dont even deserve a thre... spooky vaginosis

    lmao this guy is kinda poggers how tf u gonna hire a hitman idk if the author even has their name public dumbass

    spooky vaginosis February 18, 2021 8:08 pm
    lmao this guy is kinda poggers how tf u gonna hire a hitman idk if the author even has their name public dumbass NiceGuy1000


    Official_Sugamama February 18, 2021 9:16 pm
    Drawing child porn is supporting it so obviously the author does lmfao. therefore defending this manga and author, voting it 5 stars is also supporting child porn :) ur right the author dont even deserve a thre... spooky vaginosis

    Don't no abt the others I personally gave it a 0 star rating but that just means that the more bad rating is gets the further the manga drops until it gets deleted by the site managers themselves lol like I've said under this exact comment chain give it a bad rating and keep going to it'll drop still doesn't mean the author deserves to die and the author themself as I've also said personally apologised for the offense and took down their other mangas like this. It's a weird fetish but death threats are unreasonable( ̄ ³ ̄)

    Official_Sugamama February 18, 2021 9:17 pm
    Don't no abt the others I personally gave it a 0 star rating but that just means that the more bad rating is gets the further the manga drops until it gets deleted by the site managers themselves lol like I've ... Official_Sugamama


    a_fellow_fujoshi February 18, 2021 10:01 pm
    I hope author dies. World would be a better place. You should die too you dumb fuck. No one loves you anyways. Supporting child porn and shit, what the fuck is wrong with your brain? spooky vaginosis

    Who me? Yea I wish I could die to but I'm still on earth isn't it sad I'm still alive?

    Official_Sugamama February 19, 2021 12:01 am
    Who me? Yea I wish I could die to but I'm still on earth isn't it sad I'm still alive? a_fellow_fujoshi

    Don't we all but it's pfft I- ruthless as ever I see ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 19, 2021 12:20 am
    Don't we all but it's pfft I- ruthless as ever I see ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Official_Sugamama

    true but I have stuff planned out for if I ever actually do it

    Official_Sugamama February 19, 2021 1:14 am
    true but I have stuff planned out for if I ever actually do it a_fellow_fujoshi

    Same my dude Double ShurShide with a certain someone and possible underwater activities if you get what I mean(〜 ̄w ̄)〜

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 19, 2021 2:36 am
    Same my dude Double ShurShide with a certain someone and possible underwater activities if you get what I mean(〜 ̄w ̄)〜 Official_Sugamama

    My plan is to go to the tallest building I can find and do it anime style ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Official_Sugamama February 19, 2021 5:02 am
    My plan is to go to the tallest building I can find and do it anime style ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ a_fellow_fujoshi

    Banana Fish and Itachi just immediately flew in my brain reading that(☆▽☆)

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 20, 2021 4:42 am
    Banana Fish and Itachi just immediately flew in my brain reading that(☆▽☆) Official_Sugamama

    nah I meant ima just fly out of a window mhm

    Official_Sugamama February 20, 2021 5:13 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! boozoned

    oh shiz rlly man I didn't even realize oops(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    a_fellow_fujoshi February 20, 2021 2:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! boozoned

    Oh shit rlly ╥﹏╥

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