cherryykis's feed

Im curious to know what will happen, there are new chapters at naver webtoon but its in korean…
spoiler alert below


Continuing from the new chapters; I think now he knows that he didnt cheat bc his coworker the girl he though he cheated with told him, im talking based on the pictures and some translations . I may not be correct, i dont know korean so i tried a little bc i was so damn curious. And after like two weeks our fmc and mmc meet, maybe they took a break idk because after 35ch-36 it shows that she went to meet him to apologize i think and maybe he told her that they want tot take a break idkk im not sure. Anywayssa other chapter from 39 to 42 are there but idk maybe you have to pay to read them or you have to wait. Anyone who understands korean please confirm…