Tis so goodd!! Why 9.2???! Tis desrv more!
It's seems like there is some misunderstanding, looking at the panel of chap 28 before the fl open the door, the northern lord mentioning about what the blue eyed duke did to his family and men and him replying smth "what do you mean" means they can't be the enemies, therefore, there's this real enemy that we don't know yet.
I hope I'm right cuz I can't fcking take it, if in the end, they're the one's that will be fighting ༼;´༎ ༎༽
Need recco where the bottom/girl is blind♡(> ਊ <)♡ I'm not picky and will take any of ur suggestions!
Here's a rlly cute one!!
I remember this being cute but you prob read it already, maybe check out the 'blind' tag.
At this point, I wish for our kim dan to die. The ml is unsavable, a fcking trash that do not deserve to live. And even if he were to change, the amount of chapter it took just not for me. Our mc need to rest, fcking rest( ꈨ ˙ ꈨ )