It was obvious to all of us that Tae-Eun is Taeyoon's son, but I just thought it was a, "oh no, didn't mean to get pregnant. Don't want to force him to take responsibility when he's still in school," kind of situation. Not.... this. I understand that you felt completely alone, and that you hadn't had the best life up to that point, but you didn't need a baby sweetheart; you needed therapy.

Yes to all of this but I gotta say it's a new realistic aspect I haven't seen in fiction yet. I know quite a few (at the time) teen girls who purposely got pregnant because they wanted a baby who'd actually love them. All of them were in emotionally or physically abusive households. And yes he needs therapy

I think there are a lot of things that people are overlooking when it comes to this story. Joyoon and Taejung are childhood friends that became lovers. On Joyoon's part, Taejung is the only romantic partner he's ever had. He is all he knows; just like with photography.
For someone put in this situation, (coma for years, then an abrupt re-entry into a life that has moved on without him) it is extremely difficult for him to come to terms that he has lost one of the constant things in his life. Joyoon needs to be comforted and loved of course, but he doesn't need to jump straight into a new romantic relationship. Even though this is something Joyoon had never thought about doing before, him having a relationship with the director that is just sex could be the exact thing he needs to get on his feet and adapt to his new surroundings; to help him heal. Having a no-strings-attached relationship, where you don't have to think about anything but satisfying your sexual urges is a great coping mechanism for a lot of people.

I get that them keeping this from you is a big deal. Certainly not something to be taken lightly. I can see why you think it's a serious breach of trust; especially from someone you considered one of your closest friends. And I can even understand you telling him to move out and that you don't want to see him again, but you mister have NO RIGHT whatsoever to tell Dojin to stay away from Taehee. Especially when you haven't let Taehee tell you how he feels about HIS and Dojin's relationship. You may be acting as the protective big brother, but your brother is an adult and has the right to be in a relationship with anyone he wants. SO GET THE HELL IN LINE SIR.
I've been seeing comments about how Jace was at fault too, and I just want to put some things into perspective. Both times that Jace and the Duke had sex before this particular event, Jace wasn't fully in control of his actions. The first time, he thought he was dreaming, and before anyone says anything to argue with that, you've probably never had a lucid dream before. They're very realistic. The second time, Jace was drunk off his ass and, again, didn't have great control over his actions. I will agree that neither of these excuses for Jace put him in a favorable light, but when he realizes what he has done, he tries to clear up the misunderstanding with the Duke and make amends. He tries to go back to as close of a professional relationship as possible. What many of you, who are blaming Jace for this, don't seem to understand is that the Duke is a big muscular man who could have easily shaken off Jace's advances. Jace may have taken the lead, but the Duke was the one who didn't try and stop him.
This is RAPE. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Jace wasn't in control here. Him getting an erection after the Duke FORCED Jace to suck him off does not equal consent. Look at the marks on his face, the bruises on his neck. Think about how hard the Duke had to be gripping him by the neck to have left bruises that appeared that quickly after the rape. Yes, the Duke felt led on by Jace, but he is the one that's making up scenarios about how Jace is sleeping around with anyone that catches his fancy, and then turning to violent and barbaric means to get back at him. Jace tried to make him understand that he didn't consciously play with him; that he wasn't trying to make a fool of him, but the Duke ignored him, and took advantage of him.
Yes what Jace did wasn't good, but it is NOT his fault in any way that he was raped. He wasn't, "asking for it." And the fact that I have to say that is really heartbreaking.
I 100% agree, and I’d like to add that during the first time, even if it wasn’t properly portrayed, Jace probably was high off of the painkiller. It for sure was working because Jace woke up not being able to feel his pain. So that and being high helped confirm in his head that he was dreaming, not understanding he was taken care of by a doctor. I could go on but then I’d just be preaching to the choir.
Bravo to you i been waiting for someone to right this
I thought that he was also on some kind of drug, but was in too much of a fury to get this down. Thanks for reminding me!
No problem ^^