In one chapter Saha said that is complicated to leave now due to Heetae, but he owes nothing to him and doesn't care about him, why would he use that as an excuse to stay? And then ml says that he will kill for him, I think this is because both of them want things but need a push from another one to do it and look for excuses somewhere, Saha said Heetae but we know he wants to stay for Heesu, and Heesu said he will kill for Saha but we know he wants to do it for himself and stop whats dragging his life even thought he tries to not pay attention to it and acts free.

Is been 13 chapters, why does the author keep using the same clothes on all characters this whole time? Is weird since they're rich with "class" and the mother prides herself very much on that. It reminds me of those games were you need to gather game currency to buy clothes so you're stuck with one clothe until you level up lol.
But I've also been thinking, what if its symbolic? The top is the only one that has changed clothes so far both at home and the university, everyone else just wears the same everyday, maybe it has a meaning since he's the only one that has a different view regarding Heetae and his own life, he also goes out of the house to different places while everyone else is stuck with Heetae, even when the mom goes out is to the hospital so is still Heetae centered, or maybe I'm just overthinking and author said "fuck it, everyone will wear the same, I'm tired, peace out" hahaha

I don't blame the guys for switching gyms, they're trying to make a career out this sport by learning from someone they admire, but what they get in return is being a punching bag to Jaekyung. Being in a gym where the star of it just snaps at other pro boxers is not good for them, it ruins their reputation too, and more so because they're still unknown.
I guess I would have tried to have a conversation demanding a better treatment before leaving, but now that I remember the boss always tried to tell JK and he still never listened, so it would've been the same anyways.
Also, this chapter seemed to want us to get emotional because they "betrayed" JK, but on these 52 chapters that we've gotten so far I haven't seen many scenes in which he honestly tried to teach them or talk to them without being disrespectful or snapping at them when he's in a bad mood or just plain down looking annoyed to be in the same space as them, i guess if there were more moments where he's more decent to them, where he shares more with them, then i could have felt something because there was a connection, but I can't feel bad for somebody like that.
I just hope that just like we got all these chapters of reinforcing Jaekyung terrible behavior, we also get equal amount of chapters of development, and not just towards MC, but to others characters as well. I'm not asking for him to change personalities because he's just grumpy by nature, but obviously hoping that we get to see him trying.

I really liked the starting plot, he getting paid to paint those scenes and then the police coming in, all that was a nice plot to me, but then him going to jail happened, and honestly it went to shit for me, like it made me really doubt to keep reading because I feel like it's going down the path of the generic "we're trapped you do what I say" or the "almost no character development but magically they get madly in love" type of thing, has someone read raws? Is it going to get away from what I said and is going to be good? I really like the plot but I don't wanna suffer with another generic story.

I do this all the time lol. You don't wanna do anything? Out of the team and that's it, you're doing a mediocre job for the level you're in? I downright tell you, but of course always being respectful and offering help if the person actually wants to do better on his part of the project, but if that person refuses to do better I'm not going to fix it, I'M GOING TO KICK IT!
The only way I'm okay with putting the name of someone that did nothing in the assignment it's if that person gives money for the project(I study architecture, maquettes and printings are pretty goddamn expensive) and when I say project I include myself because I'm not doing the whole project for free, you're also gonna pay me for doing what was supposed to be your part, but It's not like i let them get away that easily, I actually chase them to the end of the freaking earth if it's necessary, to make them read the whole presentation and help them learn something, so when the teachers evaluates our exposition it seems legit team work lol
I know the art style upgraded many chapters ago but I can't get over it and wanted to comment on some stuff.
Guys, please, go back to chapter 1 and other earliest chapters and take a look at Eun the MC, then come back and take a look at the latest chapters, I like how the new art style is smoother and less grayish, but let's be for real, is like he's de aging in every chapter, as if he's a younger version of himself, very child like, the artsyle for mc changes in a same chapter sometimes too, is weird.
Open another tab and put a panel from first chapter then open another one and put one from the latest chapters and the difference is outstanding, is like we're seeing a younger brother of mc taking the place of the mc, ml is looking a tiny bit younger too, smoother and not so rough but at least he looks almost the same. Is like those manhwas with tall a bit muscular mc or with a more mature face and suddenly they get twinkified even harder or get de aged, what is going on? Lol
Regarding the colors, I like it a lot, I feel like whenever they're happy colors are more vivid like, then gets more greyish again in fights or sad moments giving the colors their time to immerse us in what is going on, I really enjoy that.