I laughed way to much about that misplaced lightsaber! Why do they even bother to put it there in the first place? I'm sure most people wouldn't mind....

It's either for legal reasons or rating I think, western countries' old people are prudish and it's worse in eastern countries (courtesy of western colonialism) and they're the ones who decide what is allowed or not so...
Or maybe I'm totally wrong and there's an actual reason, feel free to educate me if that's the case (with sources)

Sorry but did I miss the moment when Shoira said they'd dropped this and asked someone else to take over?

Scan Beans works on this manga as well but they post their translations on a different website, someone took the translations from their discord and posted it on here. Scan beans knows that Shoira&Sho post on this website so they dont post on here anymore. So Scan Beans likely doesnt know that their translations were posted on here, and yes Shoira&Sho are still working on this manga :)

well.. then sry for kinda shitting on Scan Beans.. But that just makes the uploader an even shittier person. Firstly "stealing" the work of SB and upload without asking them if that's ok with them and secondly uploading over Shoira. Why do you decide to be a dick if it would take so much less time and effort to not be one?

The quality looks perfectly fine to me.. No need to apologize. I'm really greatfull for this series and all the work and effort you guys put into it. <3
And for the other group: there are other series that are dropped or have just some google-translator-uploaders. Feel free to pick one of those up. But just snitching one that already has (top) quality uploader(s) and even threatening them is so rude and a real dickmove! PLEASE STOP!

Thanks to the team for translating.. but why are there so many and big (and colourful) watermarks? they distract me quite a lot.
Edit: I'm talking about their own added big and colourful team-watermarks and not about not cleaned watermarks from the site they got it from.. they cleaned those very good and if they didn't had the time for that I would never say a thing about it.

I didn't meant to bitch and I'm sorry if it seemed like I did. I would never complain if a team or person didn't had the time or knowledge to clean. But that's not the case here. They did clean them (very good actually) but then they added their own team-watermarks.. and quite a few of them. That's what I meant to say.
I read the raws of the next chapter:
If I understood it right, he was faking it so he could try to run away (which he tried but failed).
Thank you for this. I was seconds away from flipping a table.
Could kiss (with consent). Thank the sweet baby BL gods.