The rules are simple- count up starting from one when you get a number that is 3,6, or 9 you clap. If you have two of the said numbers you clap twice. If you have three of the said numbers you clap three times. But if you don't have any of the numbers you just say the number you're on.
Person1: one...
Person2: two ...
Person3: clap
*this is just for fun and for boring waiting purposes. Same person cannot go twice in a row*
Here’s a quick lesson on artifacts in genshin Artifacts are basically sets you put on your character to enhance their abilities. Artifacts are necessary late game, and you have to do domains and bosses to get them. There are 1-5 star artifacts, 5* being the rare ones (but they’re not that hard to obtain late game. Each artifact has a main stat......
since I'm just going off levels and who you seem to be invested in, I'd suggest definely going with Keqing and Kaeya since they can do superconduct which lowers phys resistance which is good for keq. Noelle is good for healing and can be an even better healer then Barbara so I would recommend her since she can also do some decent damage. For the la......
Oh how boring it is to wait for the next chapter