soyi probably thinks everyone around her has it easy. that no matter how hard she works, she will always lose to those who are naturally talented, those who get to sleep during exams, those who don't have to prove themselves to their parents. and maybe being harsh on herself is not actually a form of punishment for her but rather an odd comfort :(

totally understand why everyone is saying this is concerning and traumatizing but for them two? it's romantic. they're almost equally insane (maybe ml just a tad more). they're both possessive with ml placing all those cctvs and mc threatening to end his life if ml marry someone else that's not him bcs that was such a borderline personality trait to me. either way plot could've been better but the ART IS TOTALLY IMMACULATE and i'm a sucker for good art
Don't get me wrong and I understand that it would feel insulting if my family (even my lover) thinks I can't handle big emotions and stress like an adult but let's wear the shoes of the family for a sec. Regardless of gender, parents will always be worried about their kids moving out especially with their partner because worrying is what parents do. Is my child gonna eat good, how will you take care of them when they're sick, yk stuff like that. So let's not be too hard of mama now :(