Since Kartein can heal bad injuries and even can heal core. Why doesn’t he heal Kayden!!! Especially since the last chapter he healed one of the frame dude who almost killed/capture him. Till Kayden came and for a few minutes he restore Kayden power to how he was before he was injured. He healed the frame dude for 10 days straight!!! Can he not heal Kayden???, is he that badly injured that he can’t heal him. Because I feel like maybe the story is like that(meaning Kayden always not fully healed) so he can stay by jiwoo side so he can teach, or eventually Kayden will die by an opponent bc he’s not full healed and jiwoo will become an Op and take on Kayden’s legacy!!!

Kartein fixed frame because they were causing trouble for the Korean people and would likely find out his distinguished cat identity so he went directly. He fixed jiwons core because kayden made an agreement with him but he never wanted to fix kaydens core because kayden never wanted help on the first place. With terms and conditions if Kayden made request, kartein would’ve definitely helped him

Why do people keep pushing for Kartein to heal Kayden even though Kayden had already explained that doing so could cause Kartein serious harm? Kayden's wounds carry the combined power of three of the top 10, and his own power is also immense. This is different from Astra's situation. Remember, Kartein even had a nosebleed after treating Astra, and Kayden's power is even greater. Healing is not a joke, and Kayden doesn't want Kartein to treat him either. Please think about Kartein's well-being for once.

Y’all please answer this. So I thought that Maomao’s mother was raped by maomao’s dad then died right. Come to find out he didn’t rape her and it was mutual. When other people find out her price went down and she had to do night services bc she wasn’t pure anymore right??? I don’t understand why maomao hates her father if she knows he’s innocent and everyone hates him too!!! Cause he seemed to really love her and was crying so I’m kind of lost Why did maomao’s mom tried to stab her like in the beginning of the story when she was just introduced as a patient

Ok I try to answer your questions to the best of my ability but please keep in mind these are only my impressions and speculations.
I don't think Maomao hates her father, she might resent him some, but she doesn't hate him, which she also states herself. She was traumatized by his appearance the first time they met, as he was dirty and bloody, and she was only a little girl. She also didn't know who he was at that point in time. More I don't know. Could be that she just doesn't like him, since she also mentions that he tried to make Maomao call him papa or father.
Second question: The reason why the mother tried to stab her, and I believe she didn't really want that she "only" cut off her pinky, was because the mother believed that she was abandoned by Rankan, as he told her he would be back in one year, but only came back three years later. It could be that she believed he abandoned her because she fell pregnant and had Maomao. Thus leading her to belive it was Maomao's fault. But as I mentioned, these are only my speculations. Hope I could help ^^

Exactly my thoughts, being raised in a red light district IS NOT NORMAL so it's expected of Maomao to be a certain way. Since young she was threatened to be pimped by that hag so it's only natural that she's cautious of everyone and has a sense of detachment. Her father's bloodied face and her mom's deteriorating state was the 1st thing her young mind has witnessed. Home environment shapes oneself fundamentally which is why she likes to not attach herself to anyone besides her grandpa that gave her the feel of "home".

In my opinion I really hoped that there was another ML that was gonna swoop the uke off his feet and remarries while the ML regret everything like if he can be manipulated once than it can happen twice and the abuse the uke suffered by his hands is unforgivable/unforgettable like how can you go back to him!!!! Even though he's gonna risk his life for the uke it still doesn't make up for it. I wanted the ML to suffer and be tormented for the rest of his life while the uke moves on with someone else and even if the other ML saw all the odds were against the uke he wouldn't hit him and treat him like garbage. If your someone who thinks it's okay bc the uke forgives him and they should back together than you need to go outside and touch some grass!!!

I freakin love that story and I love that Navier doesn't take shit from nobody and can keep her composure even during the most detrimental moments bc I hate when FL act weak and cry. Bc Navier cries alone so she doesn't look weak(she's not weak btw) in front of people an honestly that's how it should be!!!! I could talk about this story all day long Lol!!!! I hope to find more stories like this

Yoon need to get his shit together and kwon is right abt nobody gonna wait for him. I’m not gonna wait on someone who keeps hurting me cause I’ll leave. Yoon’s ex gaved up on him even after he knew he was alive and Yoon even came to him but he was like no I’m with someone else now. Like the ex made a clear Fucking choice. Kwon is hurting and I agree if he’s not gonna wait to get hurt more!!! Yoon needs to hear the truth how it is cause it’s not black and white and the ex only came back bc he saw how Yoon was happy with kwon!! Yes kwon knows what Yoon been through but what he’s saying is the truth and reality. Like kwon my
mental health is important to me too!!!!!

Fuck Kwon, any time Yoon had emotions, Kwon would silence them or tell him to stop being emotional or that he didn't want Yoon's emotional baggage. He was the one who said that it was a limited relationship and he didn't want any attachments and it was over when either one wanted it. Why should Yoon suddenly care about his feelings when he only ever made Yoon feel bad for having them? Why can't he be the same? Why do people always blame uke's who are treated like trash when they finally want to free themselves and treat the Seme like he can do no wrong just because he gained a little bit of emotional growth that doesn't even outweigh his dickishness. He never cared about Yoon's mental health, why should he care about Kwon's? He talks about Yoon like he is an object and not a person. He hurt him again at the end by throwing his past relationship trauma in his face. I hope they don't end up together cause Kwon is a dick. People use reality this and that so they don't have to care about how they hurt others, but the minute its them, then all of a sudden everyone should take their emotions seriously, screw that. Yoon's ex was legit lied to and forced into a relationship by this psycho who made him believe that he raped him, he is also a victim, the way he handled it was trash, so he gets what he gets, but at least he as a reason to be an asshole. Kwon is the only one who has been a dick consistently with no reason other than that is how he is, look at his ex wife for example, Yoon ended that relationship based on the terms Kwon set up, but because his feelings change all of a sudden Yoon has to accommodate him? Who does that? Jesus your take sucks. I really hope you date someone who treats you the way Kwon treats Yoon and see how you like it.

Get better takes, and a sense of empathy, it will help you live a better life. Every time I see people cap for some trashy character, I wish nothing but for them to have that very experience so they understand what it is their capping for, but I guess you would just go outside and touch the grass to convince yourself that you are right about reality equating cruelty to the person you claim to have emotions for.

Yes!!!! Spot on!!! He was being such a dick!! If reality work this way then so be it...ain't gonna take shit from any one any day....
Kwon better be prepared to shove those hurtful word back up his ass...he is acting like a kid after being rejected and told to wait when he couldnt even make his feelings clear pushing this vulnerable mc around

Trigger and Aaron are together!!!!

Him and chloe are bestfriend and let's be honest chloe could be sold at any moment. He proposed to her bc chloe already know him being gay and since being gay while being noble can face a lot of discrimination trigger thinks it would be better for both of them cause chloe would be able to live freely and do what she loves and trigger wouldn't be force to marry anyone. The marriage would basically be for show and they would live their lives how they want. If I was in chloe shoes I would also agree as well!!!
Y’all I don’t think jiwoo will loose especially after the other guy’s force control and Kartein force control. I feel like we’ll see him utilize the defense force control in this fight and heal himself. I don’t think he’ll be able to heal himself 100% since Kartein taught him the basics so I’m thinking maybe 50%.
I personally feel like it would be more natural for Jiwoo to lose (plot-wise and to deepen the character, so he’s not just trained for a short time and he’s suddenly world top ranked), especially when his opponent has been trained since a young age and possibly has better and more experienced in using defense.
Anyway, it’ll be a good fight! Jiwoo never goes down easily. And he can possibly gain a really good ally! Jiwoo’s kindness and sportsmanship is unmatched!!