Alenira May 26, 2021 2:49 pm

The old fart was part of the same research institut as FL's father, he became jelous for FL's dads sucsess and started studying adictive plants.. He became angry when Fl's dad sucseeded an experiment he himself had failed and so he destroyed ite experiment and was kicked out. He dedicated his life to making a potion / medicin thatw as adictive, increases the users strength and and influence their mind.. All to get back at Fl's dad, but because FL's dad is dead he is targeting FL. Hence he gave the potion to the ex hero to attack her and now has tried to get her to drop medecin all together.. Because to him FL is to much like her dad hence she is now the target of his "grudge".
The aprentice helps Fl find a cure / antidote. They try to follow the old fart but finds it to be a dead end, they break in and finds a lab making the potion and half the vilagers being controled.
Fl manages to get through to the affected ppl and give them the antidote while the asistant gives her heart felt plead to her master, she pleads him to remmeber the ppl he is now hurting and to save not hurt and he surenders.

Alenira May 26, 2021 8:32 am

I feel for Helena.. i realy do but i still cant like her.. The reasons being..

1. We are told she is powerless and weak, but then the next chapter we are shown her as a strong, indipendant and understanding woman.. Like which is it?

2. She acts Dumb and ignorant for her own survivability and piroitizes this act.. Yet we are shown not onece but twice that she has gone out of her way to undermind her own acting to give a detailed explenation of her fully understanding what casued the problem and then asking for forgiveness from both the Head Maid and Eris.. This makes if feel like something shes does when she feels bad about her none actions, but it completly contradicts her "survival" tactic. And comes of as if she has done so more than twice.

3. We se her state that she Understands everything, this inclused her own situation, ppls feelings twards her and relationships.. Yet she donst know the Prince is in Love With Her? Or why OG Eris hated her? Yet she has stated the reasons several times but donst "understand" it.. Or forgets.. it.

4. For someone who HATES atention.. she sure goes out of her way to get it.. Hunting down Eris at every chance to aproach her, and doings so with the other two Ml's.

5. She knows her own position.. and yet for the sake of acing dumb / Friendly..she walks all over New Eris's feeling. Using informal speach when talking to Eris and other nobels. Acting .. Like ... A ...Stalker.. Literaly New Eris cant have one moment of peace.. because Helena will find her.

6. Despite know the rules of etiquet and what to do and not to do when single and with a single or engaged person.. She ignores these..
- Meeting privatly with the High Priest for a "friends" eating at a cake shop. Its common sense man + woman + eating together = relations ship.
- Going to pavilion with the Hero to have an isolated meeking.. lieraly single man + single woman + pavilion = decleration of love.. And this is common knowlege yets she goes.
- Then ofcorse the behavior around the prince and Eris.. Every one know the prince is openly fliring with her yet she donst know? Oh come on...Yes she may no be able to do anything about it.. but girl how can you net see him fliring with you. How blind are you.

7. She is a walking contradiction of her own reasoning for acting dumb, if your going to act.. ACT.. Dont contradict your own reasoning right after you have told us about it..

Also OG Eris was a prick to Helena.. But how does that have anything to do with New Eris?
New Eris is literaly being honest with Helena about their relationship but rather than accepting this Helena goes out of her way to have New Eris in trouble.. You mean to tell me Helena donst know the Prince thinks Eris is bullying her, when he literaly has stated so 3 times already when Helena has aproached Eris.

Girl when someone Tells You TO Leave Them Alone, you leave them ALONE. You dont go hunting for them, tracking them down and forcing them to converse with you!
And yes i say forcing a conversation. I know many are going to say "Eris could just walk away"... Realy now.. How would it look : Helena runs over to Eris and strikes up a conversation, Eris turns around and walks away ignoring Helenas who's smile hase now fadet to a sad expresion.. Are you going to tell me that onlockers wont tell the prince or asume Eris is yet again Bullying Helena?.

    Kitix May 26, 2021 9:02 am

    Yes finally someone who sees those contradictions!!!! Ppl in comments be like “forgive her”, but for real? Forgive? FORGIVE?! Helena is not a good person even if she believes so, if she was... she should have gave up on Prince after seeing all effort of OG Eris and picked up another noble to fool with her love (like that knight), but noooo she still goes with prince. Does she even love him? Doubt so, it just convenient.

    rinakihiko May 26, 2021 12:47 pm
    Yes finally someone who sees those contradictions!!!! Ppl in comments be like “forgive her”, but for real? Forgive? FORGIVE?! Helena is not a good person even if she believes so, if she was... she should ha... Kitix

    you talk like she can just reject the crown prince's advances on her when clearly she's in a lower position than the crown prince and if she even tried retaliating how badly will it look to others. she can have her mother and even herself executed with how trashy the prince behaves

    Kitix May 26, 2021 3:28 pm
    you talk like she can just reject the crown prince's advances on her when clearly she's in a lower position than the crown prince and if she even tried retaliating how badly will it look to others. she can have... rinakihiko

    Oho another defender! Look I won’t like her even if you defend her so you can just reply to other comments below instead (or leave dislike to original poster like usual) :3
    Ok so you say she couldn’t clarify anything with Eris then? Yes, can’t reject, but also won’t talk about what she could do like reject Knight, instead she gives him vibes “oh oh what to do? Ok then what I can do anyway” or are you saying she does that on purpose so prince rejects her? Don’t see it. Idk she has weak personality, there are ways she could improve herself, but instead she just accepts everything cuz why not? Prince is trash without doubt, but her I can’t like too.
    If she at least tried to clarify, stopped pestering Eris when she said she didn’t want to have anything to do with her or properly accept prince (if she does actually love him or doesn’t) that would be at least some backbone.
    As for prince that could kill her family... uh that’s only thing you say in her defense everywhere, but I also read manga/manhwa/novels with charas in even worse scenarios so nah this excuse works only cuz she is just does nothing to run from this situation (not even tried alternate routes to escape it).

Alenira May 25, 2021 7:56 am

I think the main difrence is that with the heroin its was infaturation, and then developed into obsession.
Where as with FL it was respect for work and personality that grew into love.

Its not just that they got to know eacother, its that they first respected eacothers capabilities and work, then knowing the other persons flaws and making up for it. And getting to know eacother personaly like how the other person thinks, this developed into love in the end as the relationship grew closer. Fl may have started with Motherly love, but when she saw heroin that motherly love blosomed into a crush. And as FL got to interact with the heroin, all her instincts screamed "RED FLAG".
In Ml's case the heroin was the first person to love him unconditionaly, but when they got kids he became caperble of sharing love (heroin didnt like that).
With FL the relationship started with mistrust for her, but as Ml tested her he came to respect her skill and dedication for work. With that they grew closer and he started to nitice Fl's flaws aka overworking and not traking care of herself (getting enough sleep and relaxing). Ml started to make fl rest and even had servants make sure se does so out of concern. This developed into them both knowing the others flaws and personaities and being able to talk to eachother and change eachothers minds (Fl stoping Ml from killing, and Ml stoping Fl from colapins from overwork).

As of now they still havnt realized their feelings for eachother, fl thinks its motehrly love but has specs of a crush now and Ml is caring for Fl but donst know why he does so. All servanst already noticed the sparks. It may take some time as Ml dosnt know what love is and would be slow in the uptake of it. Where as FL never thought it to be posible for the 5 years as she thought Ml and the heroin was destined, but that thought is now crushed due to the heroins rotten personality. Fl is starting to have thoughts such as "i cant leave him in Her hands, He deserves better".
+ Now with the marriage Ml may actualy consider FL as a candidate as he knows she is trustworthy, but will hesistate to bring it up as she respects her feelings and dont wana trample them.

    CantJmout May 25, 2021 8:20 am

    That was very well said

    youraedthiswrogn May 25, 2021 8:28 am

    And the person possessing Rosaline doesn't have some kind of obvious personality disorder... it's not natural for a mother to look at their children that way (and PPD is besides the point as it wasn't like it was in that time frame, she progressively got more and more jealous over time).

    She's also possessive to the point that she'll probably try to kill Rosaline and she excuses all her behaviour behind that she *is possessing* the heroine. Emphasis on possessing because she clearly isn't the same type of person the heroine was, she's just a crazy woman possessing the body of the heroine. So basically she's just beautiful.

    Alenira May 25, 2021 9:07 am
    And the person possessing Rosaline doesn't have some kind of obvious personality disorder... it's not natural for a mother to look at their children that way (and PPD is besides the point as it wasn't like it ... youraedthiswrogn

    No she is the same person as the heroin.. She posessed the heroin in the book and live her life until and after the "happy ending" but she was obsessed with Ml's love and atention so after she had his children and he gave love to them she went crazy thinking "HE SHOULD ONLY LOVE ME! I DESERVE ALL HIS LOVE!" So any actin Ml did such as care for kis kids was seen as cheating in her eyes.. To the point she neglected the kids for years and finaly asutled her husband. SHe was locked up in a part of the palaze and wished for a second chance.. She got her second chance aka the timeline of the manga and was expecting everything to be the same but with it not being the same and her being not the "pure self" she was when she first meet Ml.. SHe is pissed and vendictive and maniplative trying to get the "LOve that is her's".

    feekapii May 25, 2021 9:16 am
    No she is the same person as the heroin.. She posessed the heroin in the book and live her life until and after the "happy ending" but she was obsessed with Ml's love and atention so after she had his children ... Alenira

    What OP meant was the Ella were seeing right now already went through the storyline and since she fucked up she had it repeated.

    So what OP meant was OG Ella from the actual book who was an actual decent human being is different from Impostor Transmigrated Ella from Korea.

    youraedthiswrogn May 25, 2021 9:33 am
    No she is the same person as the heroin.. She posessed the heroin in the book and live her life until and after the "happy ending" but she was obsessed with Ml's love and atention so after she had his children ... Alenira

    No, she is possessed like Rosaline, she is not he original heroine. This is both stated verbatim when Ella asks Rosaline of she's possessed "too" and shown when it shows "Ella"'s background and she says that she pretended to be Ella.

    youraedthiswrogn May 25, 2021 9:34 am
    What OP meant was the Ella were seeing right now already went through the storyline and since she fucked up she had it repeated.So what OP meant was OG Ella from the actual book who was an actual decent human b... feekapii

    I'm not the OP, but you're right, that is what i meant.

Alenira May 23, 2021 3:44 pm

Lol the Heroin is quite a piece of work.
Spoilers about her story
So the heroin was originaly a reincarnator who remembered part of her past life but got use to her new one, She and Ml fell in love at first sight and had their "happy" ending.. Exept Heroin was wery greedy and jelous about Ml's atention.. When the first child was born she was happy, but as Mls work took alot of his time and the rest was spent with her and the kid.. she grew Jeouls and wanted him to give her the atention and not their kid.. She contemplated getting rid of their kids to regain Ml's athention..
Later her jelously grew so big she even mistreated their child, and when she finaly had a moment with Ml a maid came and poured him tea, this made the heroin lose it she screamed at the maid and hit her and then hit ml and called him a cheater and so forth.. finaly she tried some shit and Ml had to have her removed... As she was locked up she cursed Ml and voved if she had a second chance she would make him look only at her.
She pro comitted suicide and when she woke up she had her second chance.
Now we are in the timeline of the manga and the heroin made her apearence expecting the "love at first sight" to happen again. But to bad for her she is 5 years to late and Fl has a place in Ml's heart.
This however dosnt stop her.. heroin aproaches FL and tells her to back off! And later due to her imense jelousy and lust for Ml.. the queen has an ideal puppet to get rid of FL with.
Thats as much as i know.

    notabllover May 23, 2021 3:51 pm

    Wow she sounds like a psycho

    Darkwoldbites1 May 23, 2021 3:52 pm

    You are an amazing person! I was very curious because of what she said and you satisfied my curiosity.

    0thatsmine May 23, 2021 4:11 pm


Alenira May 23, 2021 8:46 am

The Heroin is a total biach. She drugs FL and puts her in a room for a high ranking nobel too Tarnish her (hes fat and ugly and one of Heroins backer).
Ml comes in and stabs the creaps hand befor he can get into it with FL.
Heroin and her backers are all capture and executed (duno about the Queen downguard tho).
Ml and FL atend a funeral and later get married, Ml lets Fl take over some of his work and later he steps down as king and lets FL be the ruler as she was more capable than him.
Fl is Now the King of the empire and ml is her right hand man and goes to meetings she is to busy to atend.
Many male nobels arnt happy with the new system that prioretizes over all citizen health and way of lifer over the Nobels. These nobels are caught doing hady stuff and removed by the King herself.
Later Fl becomes pregnant and the first child is a daughter with Fl's eyes and Ml's hair.
Second child is a son with Ml's eyes and Fl's hair and third child is daughter with Ml's hair and FL's eyes but a bit lighter.
The citizens under FL's rule gained healtcare and education so even a slumm kid could grow up to become an emperial maid :P
Fl is put down in history as the ruler who nurtured her nation and the oldest daughter became the next King to rule.

    Nlshk May 23, 2021 12:16 pm

    Wasn't expecting that. Not very satisfied with the ending but yeah everyone is happy so its okey i guess

    7812 May 23, 2021 12:18 pm

    I love the ending

    deba.dee May 23, 2021 1:04 pm

    Damn bad ass family

    Swankyfeet May 23, 2021 1:27 pm

    Something feels off

    Hal May 23, 2021 6:38 pm
    Something feels off Swankyfeet

    What does?

    Kenma_forlife May 23, 2021 8:33 pm
    Damn bad ass family deba.dee

    I AGREE!!!

    Cute psycho May 24, 2021 1:13 am

    That’s one of the best ending a ever read or:and hear ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Swankyfeet May 24, 2021 8:58 pm
    What does? Hal

    Their relationship is about mutual respect. And he's good at his duties. It seems off for him to just step down, no one goes "OMG this person is way better than me!!, let me give up my responsibilities to them and yeet myself out"

    It makes more sense for them to work together side by side as rulers.
    Idk 乁( •_• )ㄏ

    Alenira May 24, 2021 9:47 pm
    Their relationship is about mutual respect. And he's good at his duties. It seems off for him to just step down, no one goes "OMG this person is way better than me!!, let me give up my responsibilities to them ... Swankyfeet

    I think the reason he steps down is that he rules like his ansesters did and that has its flaws, where as Fl sees that even a commoners talents should be nurtured so that they can become a strength of the kingdome.. The old way is that only Nobels have influence and no matter how talented you are as a commoner that gets you nowhere.
    Fl gives the commoners healthcare and education and nurtures their ability to help the kingdome hence strengthening the kingdome and Ml sees this. If Ml stayed as king then the nobels would stick to their guns and not alowe change, but if Fl was king they would need sound arghuments to diss the kings plans.

    Swankyfeet May 26, 2021 6:47 pm
    I think the reason he steps down is that he rules like his ansesters did and that has its flaws, where as Fl sees that even a commoners talents should be nurtured so that they can become a strength of the kingd... Alenira

    Ohh it kinda makes a bit of sense
    Hmmmm... I wanna eat some pop corn now

Alenira May 21, 2021 1:29 am

So he hates her .. because shes his ideal woman physicaly, mentaly, in talents and in etiquet? So in his head she must have been sent by the stepmother, but if she isnt then..she is perfect.

In other words.. he hates that she is his ideal because that means he will definetly fall for her.

    kanra May 21, 2021 1:42 am

    He's so damn unreasonable

    Ali May 21, 2021 2:14 am

    I think he's just suspicious it's a set-up from the empress dowager to get close to him and be a spy or smthn

    Alenira May 21, 2021 2:21 am
    I think he's just suspicious it's a set-up from the empress dowager to get close to him and be a spy or smthn Ali

    He asked his most loyal right hand to find him a secretary... and the guy did.. but the emperors first though is "shes to perfect, something must be up". Despite his right hand vouching for her and her background.

    Jayjay May 21, 2021 2:37 am

    It's obvious he thinks the empress might have secretly sent her to seduce him and stab him in the back, and it might not even be the first time she sends a woman like that to him. If she's been his stepmom since he was very young, it's completely possible that his stepmother found out whether he had an ideal type, and what that type was.

    Alenira May 21, 2021 7:52 am
    It's obvious he thinks the empress might have secretly sent her to seduce him and stab him in the back, and it might not even be the first time she sends a woman like that to him. If she's been his stepmom sinc... Jayjay

    Exept.. the empress didnt chose her... The Emperors most trusted right hand did and wouched for her skills and background. And yet he dosnt trust his Right hand?

Alenira May 20, 2021 9:31 pm

Hold up, So because she is the child of propecy.. she is expected to marry the 12yo emperor when she turned 10yo?
Thats messed up.. Hope her "dad" becomes a real dad, tho its likely as she seems to already be wining everyones hearts.

Alenira May 18, 2021 10:35 am

Wow the ex is a real piece of only focus on interactions with the ex.
Spoilers from the raws.
Later in the story Fl gets inwited to a banquit of sorts.. ahe is in the academy and free, she runs into her ex who desides to sit next to her, and insult her (he lightly asked "who" she had sleept with to gain freedome) FL is apauled and throws her drink at him, and he remineds her of his status and asks her to come back to him.. after all "hes the best she can get".
Im skipping again and Fl has been atacked by an unknow mage, stalked and druged and almost kidnaped by said hooded mage.. The Emperor saves her every time tho and they grow closer.
Ex sends FL a letter asking to meet. FL is pissed and steps on the letter but choses to reply and meet him, tho not alone. She is escorted by a high ranking knight working as her bodygard.
The ex shows up and hits on her saying he misses her and so forth. Fl gets up to leave and he grabs her and and wispers (im guessing threats) into her ear as FL is afraid and unable to do anything agaist him.. The emperor arives and yet again rescues her by stating "My woman". Ex is shocked and unhappy. (its hited the ex might be part of the ppl trying to kidnap FL as more and more ppl learn of her power aka the ex, head mage, academy headmaster and so forth).
The Emperor apoligized to Fl for stating she was "his woman" as he felt that was the best and fastes way to destroy the ex'es grim on her. And i think it worked..

My own thoughts.
It seems some servants who witnessed the ex get rid of Fl leaked the info so his "honor was being questioned" and without FL's suport aka using her for free heals and care of his ppl .. his efficiency droped and less ppl will do him favores (Fl was prety much his free labor healer, healing who he asked her to).
With his power divindeling and more ppl knowing of her Power, he is getting desperate to "chain" her to himself.. even using her past affectino and relationship to threaten her (saying he knows her "true" background aka slum kid orpthan, and shit like "she is unpure" and he can ruin her and those close to her..
Hes a Real piece of shit that im hoping the Emperor will behead one of these days!

Alenira May 15, 2021 12:33 am

Some getting the feeling that the "godess" is much more than what she seems... Hiring a assasin to kill the future hero who will destroy the world.. and yet she lets slip MC isnt the first one she has hired nor the last..
Why do i get the feeling she may be the reason behind the hero detroying the world.. Like giving a commoner with nothing the ultimate power .. just for the heck of it and then sending "toys" to see how it all pans out..

Alenira May 14, 2021 10:51 am

Let me get this straight.. the Heroin is in town with the prince (whom she stole), and yet the second she is alone she aproaches the hansomest guy in town even after he says to go away?... EH That Aint Normal Behavior... How did he look sick? Biach yuo have a man... you stole from FL and now your trying to get another with the exuse "you look sick, i can help you im not suspicous at all"... That alsone is major sus, and then when you lear its FL's man sudently she drops the worry about him?... Girl ...Controle your stolen man!

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