This is just my speculation but.. they say she killed another evil witch and completely overhalled and changed her own looks..
I get the feeling the "bad witch".. that got crushed was the original witch of the house/ town who summoned MC. So just my speculation but MC is not the bad witch from all the rumors, she herself belives she may be but is infact not.
Mc is mostlikely the result of the last experiment the bad witch made before it backfired and she got crushed. This could explain MC's apearnce as the witch was experimenting with Soul Binding, and MC gained the dead witches magic because the experiment backfired.
Everyone seems on edge because of the Bad Witch rumor, yet there was Zero evidence of anything bad ever having been done. This is also true about the "bad witch", all the duke's ppl could find were rumors of her turning ppl she disliked into frogs and a rumor that she turned the grape harvest into mice. Yet no evidence other than the rumor themselves.
I hope this dosn't end up going the "she bewitched everyone" route, just because shes a good and likeable person..
Wow his mom is a real piece of work..
She wanted a child so bad that her powers gave her one, yet in fear of her younger sister who was on the throne she hid the child away.
Later she gives up the child and even helps in disabeling him..
Yet she feels no guilt nor remorse because she did it for the ppl she loves... her younger sister and husband.
Lady if you used your power to have the child, it aint your husbands kid so why would he be indebet to your husband who you claim is his dad.
She didnt even consider that he would want revenge and was shocked at his old plan of dethroning her sister, but the sister had to go and die.
If his plan to defthrone your sister didn't lose him his power, what makes you think he would lose them for not saving your husband whom he has literaly no conection to would?.
His mom had god given power but was to much of a wimp and follower to use it, yet wants her son to follow her wishes no questions saked just like how she followed her sisters. Her real fear is that if her husband dies, she will have noone to tell her what to do nor how to live her life. The lady literaly can't think for her self... What a letdown of a mother.