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kyra 23 November 2, 2023 10:32 pm

So we're 38 chapters into Jinx and I am disappointed. Nothing is happening, nothing has developed.

Of course Dan took an aphrodisiac and got horny...that's the chapter...I don't know what's going on with this BL.
So, I'm going to compare BJ Alex and Jinx
In BJ Alex, Jiwon was an ass to DG but he had little tiny pieces of redeemable moments. In chapter 38, DG realized that Jiwon only cared about his broadcasting show, and that Jiwon won't love him because of his ex. It was a pivotal moment for both characters because of DG subquently ruining the broadcast lead to character development for both characters

In Jinx, Jaekyung is a MEGA asshole to Dan..and others. He has no redeeming qualities. All we know is that he has a jinx, he's an MMA fighter and he has insomnia. That's it. We don't even know how he thinks. Dan is a pushover. And yes DG was one as well but not like Dan. He is so passive, it's uncomfortable to read when he is in scenes with Jaekyung. BJ Alex had some development by chapter 38...things happened even before chapter 38. Nothing has developed in Jinx so far. As someone who has brought all of BJ Alex even the hard copies and has brought Jinx since it debut. IDK if I will's so bad.

    Jiji( ´‿ゝ`) November 2, 2023 10:26 pm

    Ikr bj Alex's plot is SO MUCH better than jinx so far

    Manhwaspicy November 2, 2023 11:37 pm

    Maybe the development you're talking about will start in season 2?

kyra 23 April 24, 2021 7:22 pm

I miss how Sooyoung used to be. He was stubborn, talked back and fought for himself. Now..I don't know. He isn't the same character that tied me into the story from the beginning.

    hawklight April 25, 2021 1:46 am

    It is part of the development of the character based on all he went through. Poor guy is breaking. Let's hope things can get better.

kyra 23's questions ( All 31 )

kyra 23 June 4, 2020 10:26 pm

Is fate makes no mistakes gone because I can't find it on here.

kyra 23 January 19, 2020 4:07 pm

Stories about ex's getting back together...thanks

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