I love how everyone in the comments are autistic all of sudden and are somehow translation experts lol just say you’re a shitty person who can’t even manage an ounce of sympathy and move on! It’s literally the easiest thing in the world to not say any sort of slur but somehow ya’ll can’t even do the simplest things.
I’m looking for a manga it’s kind of historical set in a western maybe French setting? It’s not complete. The thing I remember is that it’s about a young girl with dark hair who likes to be a detective and her assistant is like this older guy with glasses. They live togethor in some apartment building. He likes her but she’s oblivious I think he wants to be a writer. Please help me!!
I’m trying to remember this manga I read where it’s like the MC is in a one sided love with his childhood friend who has an identical twin. But it’s obvious to the other twin (who doesn’t wear glasses) that MC likes him but MC doesn’t know that the non glasses wearing twin likes him?
I’m sorry I’m advance if this is so confusing...
I might be wrong (because they’re cousins and not CF) but it sounds like this one: