I really dislike the red head captain, okay hear me out I know that he's trying to help her but it seems more like possessiveness. Kinda like your bully trying to take an apple but now that he wants it you must have it before they can. He's straight out creepy and unnerving. The emperor isn't a really bad person, from what I've seen he's a good guy that has a problem with expressing his feelings and controlling his expressions. He has yet to actually hurt the kids or our beautiful cotton candy warrior. Is he just a bit extreme? Heck yeah, do I care nah. Cause a "villain" is always willing to destroy the world to get the one he wants...

Exactly! Im sorry if there are people who accept and understand Ilran but the fact she's keeping those children away from their father when as we all know the father wants her alive and healthy including the kids.He lit only wants to see them. And yes He knew and didn't tell you that he knew your were pregnant, but what right do you have to call him a lier when he you also didn't tell him that you were pregnant?Yes the emperor was a scary person and the fact he just had to go and tell her he would make her pay is faulty, but who can blame him when he has been living a life of tyranny and his life as a child was Horrible.(I mean being raised as an assassin it ain't good even in the slightest) Ugh this gIlran reminds meh of another female lead like dis. And this one the man don't even seem the slightest like he would do anythin to her and her kid but she lit keeps runnin away for wha!?

well she doesnt have to live with another man and probably doesnt want to be treated like the empress. she never wanted that in the first place but carried on because she wanted her children. she doesnt know the emperor personally despite them "talking" in the dreams. besides wont the children be in danger anyways just by being the emperors children? i would do the same as her and choose the kids over the father who i dont know that well. also the rumors really dont paint him a good light, just read the things that the twins said about the emperor... they arent/werent even lovers, they were ONE NIGHTERS. literally no ties are meant to be made when they just fucked. she just chose to have the kids and thats HER business. in all honestly the emperor couldve been straight up about it and just said that he wanted to be the fathers kids but no pressure is on her. although she should just go talk to him now instead of brute force it. imagine running away and living in hiding for 5 yrs. yikes.

tldr; fl isnt obilgated to like the emperor or have a relationship with him... they only had one night and some weird ass dreams where they talked and fl doesnt trust him at all. you can literally see why she doesnt want him to be her childrens father, hes cruel, the rumors that surrounds him, and the fact hes trying to brute force her to be his lover. he should be able to see his kids since he wants to *now* (only kidnapped them to make them as bait to lure his "beloved" out) and that hes their buological father and all. they literally should just have a talk and work it out omfg.
also this is coming from somebody whos literally one of the kids in the situation since my parents are divorced. not everything is a fairytale yall and both the captain and emperor is creepy as hell. yes i know, i know the emperor has a sAd BAcKstOrY. idc still not ok.

They're legit showing her trauma affect her and how she's trying so desperately to change and try to heal the trauma. But yall gotta remember that's years, 2 lifetimes of trauma she can't just get over it. She grew up with the mindset of being ugly, unqualified and ungraceful. Trauma that comes from that young of an age is extremely hard to get over; especially when it's from a parent figure that you're supposed to look up to and love. That's why many children that are in abusive households never say anything because they believe it's normal.

Exactly! She's been mentally and physically abused her entire life, since she was a small child. And the only parent figure she's ever had treats her as if she's utterly worthless. Not to mention she's never been shown kindness by any of the other people around her, and she's never even ever left her house nor had a proper education. It's amazing enough that she even has the desire to change, and she has been making visible improvements, even if it's not at the rate that some impatient readers would like to see.
I'm going to start a riot