But the ending is so good bruh I'm gonna cry. Everyone are so triggered saying they don't wanna finish this up although me too at first lol. But I just scroll down(how can u read while eyes are closed) and go to the next page everytime the embarrassing scenes are in that's why I finished it and I'll tell you, at the near end, Go Siwon already learned from his mistakes, I mean all of em(Guang Xuan Run or whatever his name). But it's for you to criticize the story. I'm not saying this is perfect but it's good.For me keke
He's nice and care for his friend, he did stick to one also(Kang jun/jinha) and he loves him it's just he's so dense and dumb that's why It's so fast to hate him. At first I fricking hate his attitude and his attitude is the only one I hate. It's not an excuse to hate him just because he's dumb. But yeah I don't blame those who hate him.I think the others in the comments who's so angry at him ain't still in the middle chap.Ps:I understand why he hated Kang Jun but yeah nevermind. I love this manhwa, It's like a roller coaster feeling and I now understand what they said "If the story is nice, You'll show your true feelings, be angry,sad,annoyed etc." I freaking love this manhwa.Hate me.
FOR NOW.I wanna wait till it get completed(if I can have patience) cause I don't wanna wait for days I don't have much patience than all of you (How?TEACH ME)T.T I'm not complaining cause this updates are much faster than the other stories I've read(LITERALLY), I'm just saying I'll wait for many chapters cause I have small patience and this is so good as hecc