Well, Ryota is the naive type, he may not have experienced much in life, so he can appear idiotic at times. He came to the airport to see bigbro off, and bigbro told him to come in the plane just a bit. Maybe Ryota thought it was ok to just come in for a few miutes and then get out. You may find this impossible, but I've witnessed cases like this before, something we find normal can be completely new to some people.
But it is his pure, simple nature that I love him. I understand why he wouldn't listen to Saku in that argument. The bigbro is the one he loves 's brother, of course Ryota will treat him nicely. He doesnt know the mean things the bigbro says in english, that's not his fault. Bigbro always pretends to be nice in front of him, so how the hell would he know his true nature. He only acts like an asshole behind Ryota's back. We see them all so we know it, but Ryota doesnt.
Saku was the one starting the argument. Bc he knows bigbro's true nature, it's understandable that he got mad when Ryota told bigbro they hadnt has sex. But it's also understandable that Ryota thought that Saku overreacted, as he is his brother after all. Both have their reasons, but as readers we all know bigbro's true nature so we feel more sympathetic to Saku. But put yourself in Ryo's shoes!
And some of you are being body_shaming assholes there. I hate bigbro too, but why the hell bashing his look while the one you should mention is his personality?? "Why not listen to a handsome man but a fat one instead?" What the actual fuck?
And some even bash Ryota because he delays having sex with Saku. "Why pushing your handsome bf in front of you"?????? Hey he's not a horny dog who will have sex with anyone handsome. He has the right to refuse having sex. He had to push Saku because he was too pushy, he's not thinking straight, he kept forcing although Ryota said no.
Have you all forgotten what a nice guy Ryota is? Sacrificing his own life for his friend, restraining from crying so as not to worry him. Remember how dedicated he is, he always cared for Saku, but never requires or takes advantage of him. And now just after some mere mistake he made because he was tricked? How disappointing.
2017-09-17 01:08 marked
I NEED A SECOND VOLUME ; ^ ; but... *cries in illegal*