So sad people are hating on Ryota. Their opinions anyway...
Well, Ryota is the naive type, he may not have experienced much in life, so he can appear idiotic at times. He came to the airport to see bigbro off, and bigbro told him to come in the plane just a bit. Maybe Ryota thought it was ok to just come in for a few miutes and then get out. You may find this impossible, but I've witnessed cases like this before, something we find normal can be completely new to some people.
But it is his pure, simple nature that I love him. I understand why he wouldn't listen to Saku in that argument. The bigbro is the one he loves 's brother, of course Ryota will treat him nicely. He doesnt know the mean things the bigbro says in english, that's not his fault. Bigbro always pretends to be nice in front of him, so how the hell would he know his true nature. He only acts like an asshole behind Ryota's back. We see them all so we know it, but Ryota doesnt.
Saku was the one starting the argument. Bc he knows bigbro's true nature, it's understandable that he got mad when Ryota told bigbro they hadnt has sex. But it's also understandable that Ryota thought that Saku overreacted, as he is his brother after all. Both have their reasons, but as readers we all know bigbro's true nature so we feel more sympathetic to Saku. But put yourself in Ryo's shoes!
And some of you are being body_shaming assholes there. I hate bigbro too, but why the hell bashing his look while the one you should mention is his personality?? "Why not listen to a handsome man but a fat one instead?" What the actual fuck?
And some even bash Ryota because he delays having sex with Saku. "Why pushing your handsome bf in front of you"?????? Hey he's not a horny dog who will have sex with anyone handsome. He has the right to refuse having sex. He had to push Saku because he was too pushy, he's not thinking straight, he kept forcing although Ryota said no.
Have you all forgotten what a nice guy Ryota is? Sacrificing his own life for his friend, restraining from crying so as not to worry him. Remember how dedicated he is, he always cared for Saku, but never requires or takes advantage of him. And now just after some mere mistake he made because he was tricked? How disappointing.

Now that was beautiful and 100% true.

What could a normal girl do in that situation? Yuichi and Tenji are smart ones, the fact that she's not as clever as them doesn't mean she's stupid. She followed what Yuichi told her to, in the 2nd and 4th game. What more do you expect? Also, in the fake game4 where Yuichi got hurt, i see many of you blame her for this. Wth? It's not her fault, it's the bullies that hurt him. I bet not many of you would choose to do differently in that situation. Her reaction is perfectly understandable.
She isn't useless, like i said, she helped a lot in game 2 and 4. It's just that she doesnt have the ability to do much to help. Has she even done anything that hinders the others? Put yourself in her situation and see what you can do!
Many of you feel that her body is annoying and some kind of fansevice? But it's an important factor in game 4! Without her it would have been more difficult for Yuichi to clear the game. Ok it maybe some kind of fansevice but that's not the main purpose of the author. Why bash a girl because of her look?
Some of you bash her because of her mental weakness. Wtf? Not everyone was born mentally strong. You just have no sympathy towards those who are born weak, without the ability to get on with other people. "Just try and you'll be fine" does not always work for them. She was bullied to the extent of selling herself and all you can say is you disgust her? Oh, says someone who has no idea what being bullied is like :))
Finally, some of you make a fuss about her telling Yuichi to take responsibility. Wtf, again? It's just some kind of a joke between friends, it's not like she really means it. It's just because you hate her that you make a storm in a teacup.
To hate smb is your opinion, but to bash or humiliate one you need facts, not some freaking bullshits. I dont like her, but i dont think she deserves those bashings. Bashing a weak girl who hasnt even harm anyone is bullshit.
P/s: sorry for the cmt's length and my bad English.

lmao she lacks common sense and she drags everyone behind. shes useless to the story and the game. if i was in her shoes i would do anything ACTUALLY help instead of standing around with my big boobs, crying hoping that yuichi would come save my sorry ass, because i actually have common sense. youre an idiot if you think shes not there just for fan service and in technicality, the author put game 4 in just so he could draw her naked, they could have thought up of another game or get a smarter way for yuichi to get the money. quit acting like shes important and useful when shes not.

Can you just point out exactly when she dragged everyone behind? Did she interfere with Yuiichi's plan?? Or are you saying it was her fault that she was kidnapped?
Sorry, if you were kidnapped and tied up and you were scared as fuck, would you be able to stay cool? Tell me what you could've done if you were in that situation, except crying for help? :)) You must be daydreaming that you are a fucking awesome heroine in some fucking hero manga, huh :))
You are being a body-shaming bastard there you know :)) I wonder why you are here humiliating her because she has big boobs :)) Can you take off your chest from your body?
Game 4 is a big reveal, and yet you say it's was only for fanservice?? Hey did you drop off during reading it and suddenly wake up only seeing her boobs or something? A smarter way to get the money you say, what is it?
Oh, she's not useful, she just helped Yuuichi clear the game 4th lol. It's only your opinion that you are dissatisfied with game 4, but it is a fact that she helped Yuuichi. There could be other ways, but that's what Yuichi chose, and Kokorogi helped it :))
Ah, you said that Kokorogi was useless right? How about Shibe and Shiho? I wonder if they were of more help than Kokorogi :)) i think Kokorogi is even more helpful, up to now.
Admit it, you hate her just because she's a girl and she has big boobs. If not, maybe you are not intelligent enough to even understand the story :))

lmao triggered ass feminist snowflake :)) if you think there are weak minded people, why cant there be strong minded people sorry to break it to you but your hypocrisy and double standards are showing and you sound dumb af :)) and sorry if im not a weak bitch like you and her and sorry if you dont see that all the shit shes doing is useless to everyone and sorry if you think that i sound like im body shaming when im not and sorry that her shitty ditzy personality is making girls with big boobs like me look bad :)) and last but not least sorry that your moronic ass thinks shes around because she is useful and not for fan servcie, keep that glaze of film over you small mind and wake up to smell the coffee, if you dont, you wont go far in life. i think the naive one here is you, thanks. :))

lmao aka *i dont have time to point it all out to you or anyone and if you dont see it than youre the blind one. answer my question, why do a lot of other people here also hate her? ill answer, its because they are not blind to stupidity like you both are, if i want to name call i will, cant do anything about that ey?* Montar sus alces de nuevo a su iglú. sorry that you think shes not stupid af, and thats probably because youre exactly like her ey? cant get rid of stupid, i guess. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

"i dont have time to point it all out to you or anyone"
=> Of course you have to point out your point clearly. You come into this thread, make grave insults and act like a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum, and expect other to see and respect your point? That's not how a discussion work, kiddo.
"if you dont see it than youre the blind one"
=> This only proves that you yourself cannot have a good enough reason as to why you would hate Kokorogi so much. Perhaps because others also hate her and you just jump on the wagon, who knows. You attempt to act all high and mighty in hope to put others down and make them feel stupid. But really, you only make yourself look like a condescending asshole.
"why do a lot of other people here also hate her?"
=> Does it really matter? if a lot of people hate her, does it somehow justify the hatred? By the same logic, since a large number of people hate gay people, then that somehow makes the hatred acceptable and morally correct?
For sure, she's not a genius. But the same can be said for so many other characters in the story. So why are you focusing all the hate on her? If there are main characters, then supporting characters must also exist.
And yes, you are free to call name. It just that the act of calling names mean that you don't have anything of substance to say, and merely resorting to aggression in hope that somehow your point will be justified and you may be in control of the discussion. This is ad hominem fallacy at its best.
And speaking in a foreign language while the discussion is in English? How rich! It only means that you are desperately trying to use pseudo intellect to convince others that you are someone who is somehow worthy enough to have a discussion with. Which of course doesn't work, and you only end up looking like a pretentious twat. Your attempt to appear superior backfires and fails just like all the comments you made.
Oh "can't get rid of stupid"? Yeah, too bad, your father should've have used a condom, perhaps that could prevent the stupidity somehow.

Thank you very much for saying what i really want to say <3
gay _penguins doesn't at all know how discussion works. She (maybe) avoids my questions which aim at clarifying her opinions, and tries her best to humiliate anyone that doesn't agree with her. She imposes her opinions on us without any supportings.
I wasted my time on nothing I think :))
Oh no Gale's at risk...
That inspector Hasco or smth is always threatening Simon's safety, and Gale is there to prevent him. If he dies now Simon wikl be at risk too...