A possible reason why the uke doesnt want seme to become a vampire is that he knows immortality is not something to be happy about. He experienced it, his family dying one by one in front of him. When all your loved ones die, leaving u behind all alone, it's tragic. He doesnt want the seme to go through that, coz he may regretbit one day, not being able to die.

That's just an outburst. She was definitely wrong here, but after all, she's a nice and caring girl, she really does care for them. All those times she must have felt suffocated, and failed to control herself. There are times we become unreasonable under stress. Just like how Taku vent out on Ken when he felt jealous and depressed. The girl was really distressed having to lie all the time and seeing Ken suffering helplessly.
There are times we make mistakes and regret later. Maybe when she gains composure, she'll really regret slapping him. We cant just judge a person based on an emotional outburst. I like how she deeply cares about them and went along with Ken's lies for his sake. Those lies must have affected her too

If you're gonna blame him for being kidnapped now, you're just stupidly ignorant.
He's been kidnapped 3 times, yeah, 2 of which for the sake of others. He has GPS on him so he got on the car in order that they could find the location. You're fucking smart and brave my baby! If anyone lacks awareness here it must be those who run him down for helping others.
Why many people can't just treasure his virtues instead of putting blame on him?

isnt it simply stupidity ....always taking risk to his own life... not thinking how saku will feeL? its like a running gag now... look ryota got kidnapped . wait.... again?....
At this point, whenever i read a new chapter here, i will come back to read my favourite chapters of the novel ( ̄∇ ̄")