You're the pedo, what's wrong with your head?? Stef15
I tend to get overprotective against kids. You don’t know my background, but it heavily influenced my reaction. I also live in a society where melt can mean orgasmic or something along those lines. I knew what they were getting at, I just misunderstood at first and decided to inform them.
I tend to get overprotective against kids. You don’t know my background, but it heavily influenced my reaction. I also live in a society where melt can mean orgasmic or something along those lines. I knew wha... Kiss me s!/@$
We leave in a society when everything has a multiple meaning and can mean a sexual thing. But sometimes, the sexual meaning is not even second or third in all the words meanings, and it's just you that have a twisted mind.
Soft can be the synonym of melt. Like in the sentences "those kitten makes me so soft :(". I'm not a English speaker, but all the time I have seen the word "melt" used in a sentence, it was not for a sexual purpose... So idk
We leave in a society when everything has a multiple meaning and can mean a sexual thing. But sometimes, the sexual meaning is not even second or third in all the words meanings, and it's just you that have a t... Ginnie
I figured it wasn’t intended to be sexual, it’s just without the context it does sound wrong to certain people. In my defense I have a strong belief, a VERY strong belief it does affect the way I look at things. I honestly can’t trust other adults alone with my younger siblings cause of it. I wasn’t even accusing the original commenter, I was just trying to inform them. If what I did was wrong in any way then I would have known and if for some reason it hurt your guy’s feelings, “I’m sooooorrrrry.”
Why the fuck wouldnt that dumbass girl tell the female MC that the one she loves is the fucking butler, instead of refering to him as "that person" and eventually makes it sound like the male MC?? My fucking god why did the butler refuse her anyway. Why am i even reading this shit
The kids made me melt
Okay, that kinda makes you sound like a pedo.
Nah Ana is annoying asfk
Melt is a synonym of soft, what's wrong with u
You're the pedo, what's wrong with your head??
I don’t think it is. Soften is the synonym, not soft.
I tend to get overprotective against kids. You don’t know my background, but it heavily influenced my reaction. I also live in a society where melt can mean orgasmic or something along those lines. I knew what they were getting at, I just misunderstood at first and decided to inform them.
We leave in a society when everything has a multiple meaning and can mean a sexual thing. But sometimes, the sexual meaning is not even second or third in all the words meanings, and it's just you that have a twisted mind.
Soft can be the synonym of melt. Like in the sentences "those kitten makes me so soft :(". I'm not a English speaker, but all the time I have seen the word "melt" used in a sentence, it was not for a sexual purpose... So idk
I figured it wasn’t intended to be sexual, it’s just without the context it does sound wrong to certain people. In my defense I have a strong belief, a VERY strong belief it does affect the way I look at things. I honestly can’t trust other adults alone with my younger siblings cause of it. I wasn’t even accusing the original commenter, I was just trying to inform them. If what I did was wrong in any way then I would have known and if for some reason it hurt your guy’s feelings, “I’m sooooorrrrry.”