I feel sad for ian, raymond and the princess, all of them.
Ian had been abused for so long, and now the person he loves and gives him hopes proposed to a woman. Poor man he deserves happiness.
Raymond has the burden of revenging on his shoulder, if i were him i wouldnt be able to let it go. That burden will destroy his happiness, of course nobody would be happy living with the sole aim of revenge. He has to sacrifice love for it, he has to also fake. And when he finally succeeds, his life will be nothing but emptiness.
He loves ian, he knows that, he also knows their love is unfruitful yet he's too greedy to draw a line with ian and that gives ian false hopes. And taking advantage of the princess for his plans is also bad. So yeah i have mixed feelings about him.
Princess is the innocent one here. She loves raymond and has no idea she was being used, and raymond has already loved another man. Being a woman at that period is tough, and even if she didnt marry raymond, she would be married to an unfamiliar man, totally against her will. Hope the author wont destroy her and will give her a HE.

First, that retarded bitch should be burned to ashes. And she got off with just THAT??
Second, i already heard that R was going to be topped by I and i thought it would be for laughter at most. I didnt expect the story that leads to that scene would be so, idk, deep? R's hesitation, I's commitment despite his normal childish character, I's friend's criticism to R. That part really got me.

What the fuck, suddenly refusing to have sex and be intimate with seme, without saying ANYTHING AT ALL and cant think that seme will be insecure, and even when seme is sad he cant understand why? I dont know if uke has low IQ or EQ or both.
What a waste of good art and good start.
Damn i just cant stand clueless people like this.

I want all of the guys to love Penelope at the end but she doesnt give a fuck about them and returns to her real world. And then she takes a revenge on the shitty brothers and father and meets a truly deserving man and lives happily ever after.

So in the end we find out that she was originally from that world and she actually transmigrated into the "modern era" and she was cursed, so her father and brothers did not hate her, they actually loved her, but because of the curse she saw it differently (why she thought they were at fault for the beating, and when they later say they took care of it. She blamed them for it and thought that's why they took care of it, but actually they were not at fault and did it because they loved her.) ANOTHER MAJOR SPOILER is that the ML is the prince, so once he fell in love with her and some shit went down, she was given an option to go back to her real world and she saw her "old" self in the bed sick and her brothers and father were there and they were crying. She felt so sad bcs of it but she finally understood that they never hated her. In the end she decided to stay with the prince in the other world because she loved him so much and her life was there. There are so many more spoilers I could give if you want, but that is the main one for this topic.

Okay so lets start with the love options:
-The older brother was also a potential ML and a lot of ppl shipped those two, but there will be a trial soon and she will be accused of a murder(don't remember whose murder was it) and father and younger brother both believed her and thought she didn't do it, but older brother didn't entirely believe her and she was really hurt by that. That was when he lost her trust. He will later apologize and all, but that ship sunk around that time.
-The younger brother was just that, the younger brother. She never really saw him as a true romance partner and they had a brother-sister relationship. When that trial happened he totally believed in her innocence and they had some moments.
-The prince is the ML of this webtoon, he had a difficult childhood because he was the crown prince and they tried to kill him all the time, so he grew to never trust anyone and was always alone. He and MC had a lot of good chemistry and a lot of moment(obv). He was kind only to her and I think he fell in love with her first. In the end she stayed in that world bcs of him
-The wizard is a really kind man. He I think opened a orphanage and he cared about everyone. So actually the FL of the game is from some sort of a cult and she bewitched all of the love choices, so thats why the game is so easy for the FL. The wizard was the first one to break the spell, but it was to late by then. He felt guilty bcs he was the one that brought her to her family. So bcs our MC was the only one that could defeat the FL, he transmigrated her into the other world(modern era) and made everyone and everything go back in time so our MC could try again and save them.
-The last one is the knight, he is kinda the yandere type. So she saves him from the slave life by buying him from the slave market and he decided he will guard her and be by her side for his whole life. When she started getting closer to the prince he showed some yandere characteristics and did some shit(can't remember exactly what he did). Towards the end he also betrayed her because he couldn't stand anyone other than him having her and by betraying her he indirectly tried to kill her. In the end he died bcs he protected her from some dragon or smth like that.

If you like the revenge aspect I could recommend you The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness and Nidome No Yuusha (both of them have heroes that were betrayed and went apeshit so they became anti-heroes and it's mostly about revenge). Also The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass is revenge driven, but there will be sometime until the webtoon gets to the serious revenge part.

No problem(≧∀≦). I wanted to make a separate comment about what the situation in the novel itself, but I actually said the most important parts when I was describing the characters. Some funny moments would be that Prince tried to make the duke and the brothers jealous when MC gave him a necklace and the brothers favorability dropped lol.
I hope Noel would do something. Poor boy, having such a manipulative mother.