No offence but the translations just get worse every chapter, I feel like I understand more when I read the raws lmao

Dont worry, @Fantranslator teamed-up with a chinese speaker who translated from ch 14 (ch 15 and onward will be reuploaded slowly) you just have to wait for a bit and check regularly, that's what i do..
About ch 13, well we can just forget about it since theres not much dialogue there...

Maybe there's no one to willingly help or give up some of their free time like them. It's better than nothing right? If you're complaining and being fussy and disrespectful, why don't you try doing it yourself and see how tough translating a language is? Well, people just can't be fully satisfied with anything.

Why people expect everyone to be ecstatic for poor quality Google translates? Sure some thing is better than nothing but if so much of it is mistranslated to the point that people can hardly read it how is that any better than looking at raws?

I don't know if you knew, but anyone can try Google translating themselves as long as they have the images.

Well I also don't know if you knew that if you directly translate korean or chinese blah blah blah to english, I will tell you that I will 99% not understand it. Anyone could translate it? Boy if you do that, I will have to drop the manga or I have hope to God that someone will take over your job. Try doing it. I'm Korean and I suck at it, so guess how i tried to communicate with my relatives? Google translate was my first idea and nobody could understand me. They can only understand simple sentences and if that doesn't work, I have to limit them down to 2 or 3 words. That's fucking tough. I don't know why you can't understand this manga, but I could. It ain't that bad really. I've seen worse.

well, thay are helping us lazy people to understand a bit of the story, while there's no official translation etc, if you don't like it don't read it, but I appreciate what they are doing for the fujo community^^

I mean, I'm not sure I would call it a masterpiece exactly, but it's also a type of story that's very difficult to translate. The author can't make things too obvious or the fun of analyzing the characters and searching for clues is lost. But since it's an unfinished story, the translator doesn't know what the author is planning and what's supposed to be a clue for something that will happen chapters and chapters later. Dialogue that was ambiguous in the original becomes very confusing or even points in the wrong direction because the translator had to make a choice.
So basically, there are going to be understanding problems even when the translator is fluent in both languages. When Google Translate is used (in this case, Google Translate of something that's already a translation, being reworded by someone who doesn't natively speak English...) there's no use trying to judge the quality of writing in the original.

sorry to all the people that not agree, but I do agree! I just didn't get anything!!! I really didn't get what the MC is trying to say at all. it was just not good. at least admit it and move on!
I don't really care about this manhwe anymore. there is no point if I end up not getting anything from what the characters is saying.

I apologise if people are losing interest in this manhwa. But please believe that Fantranslator and I are trying our best to give you the correct translations as soon as possible. As of now, I'll be giving Fantranslator my translations weekly. (And no, I do not use google translate) So perhaps that will be a guideline of when you guys can check for updates. Chapter 14 has already been updated to the correct translation. If it's not too much trouble, please read from there onwards to get a better understanding of the story. Again, apologies to those who didn't get the story at all.

Thank you very much to both of you for doing this. Just letting you know I'm really looking forward to reading the new translations from here on and will be checking back every week for them. : )

Ahaha thank you! It's only unfortunate that the chapters aren't really that easy to translate. Chinese and English are two very different languages and is almost impossible to directly translate them. Translators get influenced by the Chinese structure and when translated, the English would seem odd as well. Which is why proofreaders are often needed. I hope you guys can forgive me if the language seems odd from the way I structure my sentences. Personally, I do not have troubles with English since it is the language I use daily but the Chinese to English mojo gets to me. But thanks for all your support! Chapter 15 will be updated very soon!^^ So look forward to it.

Chapter 15 pretty pleaseeee ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Such a shame, tg was my favourite and now I feel like burning all my merch. I hate Ishida for forcing this god awful ship. :re was a mistake

Can i ask what ship you're talking about? :>

Obviously Touken, the last thing this manga needed was romance. Touka wasn't even there for Kaneki, in fact she hated him but now she suddenly hops on his dick when he was in the middle of talking about missing hide? And Kaneki just went with it?? Hide actually risked his life for Kaneki when he infiltrated the CCG & did everything for him but somehow forcing this ship is more important than that. Ofc they had to put a sex scene here to increase sales simply bc Touka is a popular character, other than that this ship doesn't make a sense at all. I'm really done with it, such a shame I put so many years into TG expecting something good and got this bullshit, tg:re has been predictable and boring for a few months which is really a shame bc it had a lot of potential (until they killed off Arima and made Kaneki OP for what?)

Burning your merch, woah. Well reading your username, makes sense.

Agreed. I feel Touka is kind of abusive (hitting Kaneki), and was never properly there when he needed it. I can only count 2 times she was there for him.
I honesty didn't want romance in Tokyo ghoul re, nor the first season of the manga. The romance just completely ruined it for me. I don't have anything against the ship nor shippers, but I'd much rather have Kaneki be single. I much prefer the first season of the manga, this chapter (I'm sorry) just made me f*cking hate Tokyo ghoul re.
I'm still gonna be a fan and continue reading, but I'm feeling very conflicted emotions about this chapter. Would of preferred if no one was canon with Kaneki.
I came here for tragedy, action and shit. Not a sex scene between Kaneki and Touka making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I'm not into that stuff, so that made it 100x worse.
Sorry it's long, I'm just happy I could agree and share my opinion with someone.

I feel like the story would be interesting if I actually knew what they were saying. The translation is so wrong I didn't understand a thing

Here's the revised version of ch. 2-2.
The other chapters will be fixed soon as I have found a proper translator. This story is pretty interesting so stick around because I'm working on making the translations better.

I got too impatient waiting for updates here so I downloaded Lezhin & purchased up to chapter 43, I want to buy the rest but I'm so broke;; definitely worth it though, Yuri is such a great character, I wasn't fond of him in the beginning but I love him now. i get so hyped over Yuri x Jaerim. It's been a while since I've loved a webcomic/manhwa this much.

would you be willing to share your chapters with mangago? Then another person could share 44+ and so on until we are caught with the English releases. I've uploaded up to 22 and have already sent in 23 & 24 so they should be up shortly but I would like to help those who can't purchase them. Well at least I know that by uploading the free chapters this manhwa has become well known :)

Did you even read the warning at the start of every page? It'd be funny if they actually took action against mangago.

@Anonymous, I agree with you, though I think it would likely be a situation where they'd just ask mangago to take it down. While the chapters that are up right now are free on Lezhin's site (with an account, I think?), it's probably best not to upload any chapters that require payment. It's taking away from the artist, and as much as I appreciate these being available, I think it's better to ere on the side of caution and not upload anymore unless they become free in the future.
Honestly idc about Junoh anymore, I hope Chang Hyun x Minoh become a thing but I doubt it'll happen