Truly hoping for side stories! I personally don't like endings that are just them getting together cuz like, I wanna see the result of the whole story.
Sides would also help cuz there were a few plot lines left unresolved, like what happened to queen? Did first get a place after the story progressed?
Pretty minor things but there are others! What will happen to Keith after basically disowning his father's side of the family? Is girly pop wheelchair bound now? Will Keith finally be promoted and get his own partner? Does first have some form of Holy blood or vampire resistance now since he shared blood with Keith?
And most importantly, I know this is knit-picky, but I NEED TO SEE THE WEDDING!!! (LMFAO this is /hj but you get the sentiment)
And speaking of the side characters, the author put a lot of thought when writing them in (read after notes, it's really nice haha) but I wish we had more "real" interactions with them instead of them being exposition machines or comedic relief. We didn't even get to see the guy Keith was jealous of in the beginning again! He was forgotten so bad, i ALSO forgot his name. Though the scene where they were betting if they were already together cracked me tf up.
Another small knit-pick I have is that, on the second part of the story, we had a major MAJOR lack of First falling over and sleeping out of nowhere, like, that whole character gimmick would be so funny if used as consistent as in the first half. (Though I understand why the author put it to the side, the story was progressing, just me being a picky reader hdjsodkek)
But if you don't mind that, this is a great 8.5/10 read!! If this ever becomes a physical book, or if it already is, I'm snatching a copy