there's no way in hell moto and itan would be a good match ! give it a rest guys , moto is weak no matter how i look at him( plus he is not honest to himself one bit , leading that kinda relationship with itan how could he not see through that intimacy ,and yet still asking someone else to wait for him, indecisive brat !!! frankly i was very pleased that itan raped him ,it's not that i like rape scenes but i love it when it happens to stupid foolish people observing their helpless state , the yelping, the fear followed with numbness after ,, ughhhhh such satisfaction could exist !!! i just hope that that loathsome self of his would finally wake up , or he should just abondon the light that awaites him and keep in his own blind black hole , darkness and light cannot occupy the same space , as stated .
in addition to that i would like it if han sae forget about moto as well ,but i'm positive it won't happen , but if i were him there is no way i'm gonna forgive this kinda act you push me away to get raped by another lad ?!! i wouldn't even waste my breath on a cheap argument !
I don΄t think that rape is fine, no matter how foolish the victim was.
And what are u saying about Han Sae to forget Motto?! It΄s like you΄re saying that it was Motto΄s fault he was raped and the others should hate him! Seriously?! It΄s never the victim΄s fault to be raped and Motto didn΄t push Han Sae away, they were together in love before this bastard raped him. It΄s true that Itan loves him too but it was totally impulsive to act this way!
And as i said before, Motto didn΄t choose to be raped damn it! It was absolutely not his fault!
i can see your point of you and i understand that the act of rape itself just despicable -, but who are we kidding moto knew all along that itan has feeling for him , he has kissed him before , didn't he ? you don't go kissing people with no desires , especially when the police are chasing after you ! . and itan raping moto was only a matter of time . i'm sorry i consider this matter very personal to my old self , when i was a child i almost got raped by a trusted family member , i don't blame him off course i blame only my goofy self - there's no need to say that it's never the victim's fault , but what if that exact same victim sensed that something was wrong from the bigining? , seems like people only learn the hard way my dear ,so never trust anyone blindly . but why am i the only one annoyed by this moto charchter !! he just pisses me of , why can't he value himself more ? and why exactely am i the only one seeing that he pushes han sae away ? yeah he kissed him a couple of times but he runs away later , he is just darn dishonest !! i get the feeling that he is lost but i do as well get the feeling that he wishes to not being found . my head keeps spinning , i'm no good in the emotions section .
Look, Motto just didn΄t know how to tell Itan that he saw him only as a friend because Itan took care of him before. I΄m not saying that Motto is right at everything but i΄m don΄t think that he΄s wrong either because he may kissed Itan before but he realised he was wrong so he tried to show him by actions that he saw him only as a familly member but Itan got simply angry and did something incorrigibly despicable. So there is no way that Itan was right.
When Motto sensed that something wasn΄t right, it was already too late because Itan grabbed him and got him by force to his house and then when he tried to live from here, Itan broke his arm! How could he escape in any way?!
Sometimes, when the victim senses the danger it΄s a way too late. So tell me, in what possible way it΄s the victim΄s fault for getting raped?
And if we talk about personal experience, my sister had already been raped when she was only 15 years old when she was coming home from school! In the broad daylight! She screamed but no one heard her. I΄m also pissed with people who say that rape is fine so you don΄t have to blame yourself for almost getting raped because it was purely the rapist΄s sick intentions. It΄s not your fault that you had something that attracted him and of cource it΄s not your fault for being an innocent little kid and victim. The only one in fault is the fucking monster because only a monster wants to rape a kid or an adult, it counts the same way since it΄s a RAPE!
oh i get it now , i'm sorry i can't help but despise stupid people , when i say stupid i mean those who are very good to others but neglect themselves , i just can't react well when i see someone humiliating himself for another person , i get full of fury knowing that he's gonna get hurt . usually when i read a book ot manga or anything else i automatically put myself in the charchters position and it can get awful sometimes it hits me pretty hard , i live life and feel things differnt than in reality like this manga and many others but honestly this one was so much for me . that's why i've been so hostile toward moto , ughh now i feel bad about your sister , off course i know it wasn't her fault for lord's sake she was just an underage . i know it doesn't justify what i have said about rape being such a delightful scene to my sight but it applys only to the adult ones let's just say people that annoy the hell outta me , oh i think i'm making it worse here , anyway tell me how do you feel about itan ? i'm having these mixed feelings 'bout him , i don't hate him yet i don't like him , he is just so damn pitiful , deprived of his own freedom !!!
Well, yeah...about Itan... At the start i had totally blank feelings about him, maybe because he wasn΄t in most of the story but after a while i too felt pity about him that turned into hate when he did that kind of thing... Anyways i think he was wrong and that he should contain his anger because this way not only he hurts others but also himself since as you saw at the last chapter, he regretted it. If he hurts Han Sae too, due to his jealousy and anger i will get him into my black list first place!
hehe "black list first place" you're funny , but still i dunno i can't hate him he doesn't care much about himself he sustains pain repeatedly and that bitch of an employer (oh you have no idea what kinda resentment i hold against him) treats him as a tool even worse , now that i think about it he was the one encouraging itan to take the initiative step toward moto asking him how could he restrain himself from touching him and such !. too bad somewhere along the road itan had lost touch with reality but i'm sure han sae won't go down without a fight ,and during that fight itan could make a fatal mistake he's too emotionally involved, if that happens both of them could go down , OMG such a tragedy ! THOUGH i really wanted to see moto give han sae his ring back!!!!
some people are not cut out for the responsibility of a monogamous relationship deary , for it does require emotional maturity that what this "senpai "lacks , plus i think it's very pathetic of amano to keep on showing his true feelings , sometimes it's best to restrain one's self desires , don't yee think ?! all i'm saying is you need to know when to walk away , before you're utterly blinded .