bruh they were both already gay lmao at the beginning the main character was like damn that guy is hot he plays sports and has big muscles damn *blushes* and the other guy just admitted he was gay. you ain’t turn anyone gay just put two gay guys that likes each other in a house together and made them watch porn together and shower together. i’d be more surprised if they didn’t hook up.
the first couple sucked so much i was basically forcing myself to read it but the second couple was so good idk what yall hating on
It's okay. We all have different opinions and likes.
Oh em gee what the fuck lmao (≧∀≦) HaHaHaHa!
Wtf did you mean??!??! Your like the opposite of us hahahahaha, you have a bad taste! So you do love sluts? Ok understandable have a slut day!
i do like sluts! being confident in you sexuality is hot! being insecure and unsure of everything youre doing is boring :/
Oh em gee what the fuck lmao (≧∀≦) i like to slut-shame OWO and get really defensive any time anyone has a different taste in porn that me XD uwu
well that's kinda disgusting! are you a slut? or not? that's just disgusting! i really don't like sluts like you.