GO READ THIS RN, THIS IS A THREAT https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/only_need_to_love_once/

Bruh are you seeing the new yd situation? The op of that thread is trying to defend her so hard, it's lowkey embarrassing. They just said the uploader deserves to be doxxed cause that's what happened when you do something illegal, meanwhile they're here with almost 500 read mangas, and have been on this site for more than a year??

fr is she like trying to be the hero or something? she is scaring her legal readers away too there is that girl that made a ''study'' on illegal readers *cough* which was super messy and not understandable but that is besides the point the girl and many other people said they wont support her anymore at least they are aware she is going too far

its scary how loyal they are and out topic but i stalked what youve read like the creep i am https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_monsoon_in_june/ its your turn _-_ and aslo some fluff https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shounen_houkokusho/

go entertain yourself I’m not the solution ._. Yeee anyways some ones bf is into necrophilia I low key feel bad for them so TW https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdtfQron/

Tw rape
Omg ew, have you read that kiss me liar thing? I'm reading it rn and all the comments are literally defending the rapist, look at this https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14012852/ they literally just said they didn't consider it rape because he was okay with it, like bruh him screaming no, get off me etc was literally right in front of your face. What are these people on anymore.

yee i read its proably one of the shittiest stories ive ever read. its filled with romanticized. some times people shouldnt voice their opinion *insert patriotic flag*. ''I especially liked yoo woon personally he's nothing like the other sluty omegas who fall completely for alphas who rape them'' also them... ''I didn't consider it to be rape coz the uke was ok with him'' HUH also bitch what where tf did they get the idea he was ok with it

Not my message not sending Anyways, I drank water, so I should have a round of applause

Exactly, they suck, why can't we just use real emojis :((. U should go on here though, there are so so many omg https://japaneseemoticons.me/all-japanese-emoticons/5/

The comments are insane... like we finally have a character that isn't an absolute piece of shit and yall are complaining