idk but what's the point of romanticizing toxic relationship. once manipulates hang on you, it will on you forever. idk what does the future alure lead us to, but..... even though there will be a character development, someone who manipulating the other to desperates is actually sucks and in addition, people don't change.

Yeah I get that its bad and honestly I don't see the point and also (spoiler)
.....................................................................................................................................They don't end up together so I think the auther took that to mind and was planning to make it so the MC gets out of the relashoship.

she said she reached the successful by her own self and said that she tried really hard to be on that position?? girl, the world is not only abt you and you. yiyun or many people on this big world also trying their best for being the best. get your rational mind for competing the other not your stupid ass evil brain.