Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ created a topic of BJ alex

Jiwon will always be the best character in this manhwa to me.. he has so many different sides of himself unlike the others (I still love them lol) HES JUST MY FAVORITE

People still hating but Jooin got the man he's always wanted all these 100+ chapters so he's winning

Jooin's weakness is Yahwi's beautiful smile and Yahwi crying.. That's cute They are such a cute couple

The way Jooin didn't need to think to accept Yahwi's confession and kissed him right away. They are so in love.. I LOVE THEM <3

If some of yall are "soo tired" of this story then stop reading it. Complaining about it isn't going to change anything. Jooin chose Yahwi and that's that. If you don't like it then leave. Anyways Yahwi and Jooin be cute asf

All these ppl mad bc Jooin chose Yahwi.. like ofc he did. He was in love with Yahwi first and never stopped loving him. Them being apart made him realize how much Yahwi's presence meant to him. He never was in love with Cain and Cain knew that and said it. Jooin loves Yahwi our kitty bb

Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ created a topic of 19 Days

THEY ARE BACK FINALLY! He tian doesn't play about his boyfriend Mo

Jooin accepted Yahwi's confession so quick with a kiss.. CUTE This is how you know Yahwi is the one he's always loved and wanted bc he had to think sm with Cain


Yahwi and Jooin's development is so beautiful. I hope they get married "They just get back together that fast?!" Yes bc both of them never stopped loving eachother and never left eachothers minds ITS BEAUTIFUL

The comments Stop hating on the author. Yall should of been known Jooin never stopped loving Yahwi.. he cherished Cain as a FRIEND. He loved Yahwi as a lover from the start

Thank god Rozy didn't stab him because if she did she would be the one in jail since there's still no proof of Adam being a murder.. but like DAMNN THE ART HAS CHANGED SM, ADAM IS SO FINEEE

"From the moment I met you, 'til now. There hasn't been a single day I haven't loved you" BEAUTIFUL.. YOU GO JOOIN. Yahwi is the one. WAR IS OVERRRR

The moment I saw Jooin give Cain back that ring.. I knew it. IM SO HAPPY HE PICKED YAHWI. He chose Yahwi first and STAYED. Good choice Jooin. Yahwi is the best boy