Shirooooo☆ July 15, 2024 11:25 am

not that satisfied by how forgiving they are but IS SHE REALLY INFERTILE?????

Shirooooo☆ July 13, 2024 4:24 pm

before i read this, my gallery only has 13,678 pics, and now after i read it, my gallery has 13,693 pics

Shirooooo☆ July 12, 2024 7:58 am

a one of what he have please

Shirooooo☆ July 11, 2024 1:42 pm

serving cvnty for the country

Shirooooo☆ July 10, 2024 4:20 pm

im getting dizzy reading the comments. What do yall mean that this is the mc's second life????? and whats with the abusive chuchu aaaaaaa, enlighten me pleasee

    Greynex July 10, 2024 9:25 pm

    Are u ok with spoilers ?

    Shirooooo☆ July 11, 2024 10:26 am
    Are u ok with spoilers ? Greynex


    Greynex July 11, 2024 11:13 am
    yes!!!!!! Shirooooo☆

    So this is the second life
    The top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreams

    Regarding there first life.
    There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these said misunderstanding.
    Like about bottoms heat issue and how the represent doesn't work on him, the top never knew about that info so he assumed that bottom was trying to seduce him using his heat
    In this book author had made one upgrade you can say, that paired parteners can see each others memories
    In first life after that incident with heat I believe there relationship gets better and the top falls in love.
    But because of that son of bitch father, the bottom steals the documents and give it to that father.

    He also continues to work as manager in first life so there was some issue with money laundering which the bottom ends up taking blame for, that's why in second life the top made the condition for him to leave the job ( this fact is not 100% confirmed, I made this specification based on the info I had on my hand)

    And what else

    Yeah regarding the brother of top, in first life top was collecting evidence on big bro cause he was scumbag who took advantage of omegas and did lots of dirty work in company. So the brothers had a confrontation at one time whether top said that he has a gift for the scumbag big brother, which was the evidence against him to put him in jail but the big bro misunderstood and thought the top was talking about the bottom.
    That's scumbag couldn't contain himself and goes to top's house and unfortunately the bottom is in there, the bottom has gotten his heat so that's why he was at home and he took lots of sleeping meds so that's why when that scumbag forced him to him he could'nt do anything but he knew what was going on. The top did not take this into account and he was I belive on business trip and come backs home after three days, bottom is still on heat and loaded with sleeping pills but he still has that little conscious so he asks for divorce/or breaking of engagement and the top who can smell his brother on him gets angrey. ( Another fact i want to mention is that this time the grand father of top dies and the security info is stolen by the bottom and he was also in rut I think still doesn't excuse his behaviour) he loses his cool and forces him self on the bottom and marks him by force and they become piar bonded.
    Once again if u remember I mentioned that in this world pair bonded couple share memories so yeah that how top know about the truth and misunderstanding from his side gets resolved but thats not same for our bottom.
    I belive top locked up bottom in his room and maybe couple of months passes and bottom realise that he is pregnant.
    Getting raped nad being pregnant along with all other shits gets too much for our sweet bottom and in the end because he cannot take it any more he kills himself using the same gun in the top's study.

    After sending the scumbag brother to jail and finishing up everything the tops also kills himself
    And this the first life ends


    In this life top decided to give bottom a better and good life, so that's why he stars removing obstacles from the bottoms life one by one,
    (I don't have much spoiler about the current life but let's see) Bottom opens a scent shop.
    Top have initially decided that once every thing is taken care of
    1) the scumbag father's company goes ban currept his wife leaves him and takes there two children with her
    2) big brother if u read the chapter 35 of manhwa you will know what happens so after that incident top kinda imprisoned the big bro somewhere , tortures him using same things he has done to other omega ( he had history of assaulting and raping omegas which the top has evidence of) and he ends up dying in all this.
    3 ) top becomes the vise president
    4) he had decided to let go of bottom of he wanted his freedom but bottom wanted to become pair with him so they pair bond

    But another problem comes which was the memories so after pair bonding this time the bottom gets all the memories from top and because it was too much to take he asks top that he want some time for himself
    They don't meet for around three months the top becomes depressed
    But because they share emotions as well due to pair bonding the bottom realise that top is depressed, and there was one time when suddenly bottom realise that top is feeling happy he gets jealous cause who made the top happy only to see top in party later and realising that top was happy cause he was going to see the bottom

    One of the reason bottom gets more depressed cause he doesn't know who's child is it in first life,
    But top later reavales that the child was his cause of pheromones
    Hmm top has forest -woody pheromones and bottom smells like flower so the child in bottoms stomach smelled like mixture of this two that's how top knows

    Shirooooo☆ July 11, 2024 1:51 pm
    So this is the second lifeThe top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreamsRegarding there first life.There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these sai... Greynex

    ohh daymm, i read it from the start until the end. I felt sorry for the bottom this is all because of his goddamm father aaaa (im happy the big bro died). The story was niceeee!!! thankyouuu ms/mr.!!!!!!

    Greynex July 11, 2024 7:03 pm
    ohh daymm, i read it from the start until the end. I felt sorry for the bottom this is all because of his goddamm father aaaa (im happy the big bro died). The story was niceeee!!! thankyouuu ms/mr.!!!!!! Shirooooo☆

    Its good that u liked it.

    Greynex July 11, 2024 7:05 pm
    ohh daymm, i read it from the start until the end. I felt sorry for the bottom this is all because of his goddamm father aaaa (im happy the big bro died). The story was niceeee!!! thankyouuu ms/mr.!!!!!! Shirooooo☆

    I forgot to mention this but in chapter 23, the flashback/dream that bottom has is from previous life, that is top raping him after he was raped by that scumbag brother.

    Shirooooo☆ July 12, 2024 6:11 am
    I forgot to mention this but in chapter 23, the flashback/dream that bottom has is from previous life, that is top raping him after he was raped by that scumbag brother. Greynex

    HUHHHH???!!! WTFFF!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA why would they do this

    Greynex July 12, 2024 11:01 am
    HUHHHH???!!! WTFFF!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA why would they do this Shirooooo☆

    I know right, I know that story is good but I really hate it when they put rape in it.

    Shirooooo☆ July 12, 2024 1:58 pm
    I know right, I know that story is good but I really hate it when they put rape in it. Greynex

    everything goes down when raped envolved

    Ilovebl July 13, 2024 10:03 pm
    I know right, I know that story is good but I really hate it when they put rape in it. Greynex

    Thank you

    ACollectionOfCells July 13, 2024 10:05 pm
    So this is the second lifeThe top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreamsRegarding there first life.There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these sai... Greynex

    thank you sm for this (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Ube July 14, 2024 4:40 am
    So this is the second lifeThe top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreamsRegarding there first life.There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these sai... Greynex

    Thanks for this (=・ω・=)

    el wiwi July 14, 2024 6:06 am
    So this is the second lifeThe top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreamsRegarding there first life.There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these sai... Greynex

    Thank u sm for this

    FujoBoSS July 14, 2024 7:14 am
    So this is the second lifeThe top remembers there past life clearly and the bottom gets some flashback in dreamsRegarding there first life.There were lots of misunderstanding and the problem came from these sai... Greynex

    Thanks a lot for the spoilers. I saw some comments dissing the ML so I was really lost their. Thank to this spoilers, I'm able to understand their feelings of hatred towards Kwon Ido.

    One more thing, in the first life, did the Top regret treating the Bottom worst after seeing his memories? And Did he see the bottom in his dead state?

    Greynex July 14, 2024 12:44 pm
    Thanks a lot for the spoilers. I saw some comments dissing the ML so I was really lost their. Thank to this spoilers, I'm able to understand their feelings of hatred towards Kwon Ido. One more thing, in the fir... FujoBoSS

    Ur welcome
    To be honest with u, as i said i haven't read the novel, so I don't have much info on the ml in there first life, specially in regards to how he treated the bottom. But I know that after getting his memories
    he did regretted a lot, to the point he decided to take his life because of the guilt.

    Greynex July 14, 2024 1:18 pm
    Thanks a lot for the spoilers. I saw some comments dissing the ML so I was really lost their. Thank to this spoilers, I'm able to understand their feelings of hatred towards Kwon Ido. One more thing, in the fir... FujoBoSS

    Bottom shot himself in front of kwon ido, that's why in this life ido only has gun but no bullet.

    Shirooooo☆ July 14, 2024 4:06 pm
    Bottom shot himself in front of kwon ido, that's why in this life ido only has gun but no bullet. Greynex

    ahhh so thats why the bottom has a gun trauma, thankyouuu so muchhh mr/ms it all makes sense noww

    Greynex July 14, 2024 8:26 pm
    ahhh so thats why the bottom has a gun trauma, thankyouuu so muchhh mr/ms it all makes sense noww Shirooooo☆

    Hehe ur welcome

Shirooooo☆ July 9, 2024 2:27 pm

no twinks allowed

Shirooooo☆ June 14, 2024 9:53 am

just aaahhcckk love it ((the chief guy something with glasses is goodlookinnngg

Shirooooo☆ June 13, 2024 4:11 pm

God heavensss please give the fl a chapter to unwind, the drama is continuous

Shirooooo☆ June 13, 2024 3:20 pm

woww lize really want attention of boyzz bitch ass hoo

    KieL June 17, 2024 10:39 am

    right?? can't she just leave. she want her poseyy to be eaten so badly

Shirooooo☆ June 13, 2024 9:33 am


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