While it may not be much for other people, wataru's fear is valid. Being dumped/broken up because of your personality several times is enough to be scared to get in a relationship with the person you treasure the most. He must be scared that he won't be enough for Minato as a boyfriend and they will end up breaking up. He's his bestfriend and he'd rather stay friends than end up destroying their relationship.
PS. Lil boss is so cute.
I imagined InSeob's reaction differently than what is drawn in the Manhwa. Whenever he's having a monologue i imagined he has a worried or scared face. I mean the art is good but when inseob is drawn with funny eyes or in chibi while he's having a serious thought, it kinda throws me off. Or maybe i'm projecting my fear because i sure would hella look scared when someone like wooyeon is with me.
Oooh!!! Me too!!!
yeah in the novel they usually show him to have a more sad worried look and how he doesn’t catch on to things quickly