I really liked that Raymond is actually taking action and making a plan.
BUT if he ends up with one of them I'm going to be disappointed with the author, I really hope that a good character don't go waste

over a decade pasts and that’s when he gives up trying to kill Jerome and Simon, he wants them to be “obsessed” with him like how he was “obsessed” with taking revenge on them (how he lived his life with them as his goal, he wants them to equally have this feeling too). Raymond falls in love with them both allegedly? (From what I saw from a comment)

"Catch him"
"Shackle him"
"And lock him up"

Yeah he's heartless person just to keep him by his side he raped ruth .
He doesn't acknowledge his feelings towards ruth that's why he so playboy he said this to ruth in last second chapters of novel one thing is clear I don't like ail everytime I read this it's makes me anxious,angry all day moody,
I just feel like crying everytime I go through this novel or manhwa

Yeah ruth was almost died in last second chapter of novel also ail was injured that time they confirm their mutual feelings and had sex after I didn't read cuz I was anxious they both do return to palace I was not ready to read anymore harm on ruth I need some time to collect myself to continue reading , it was hard for me to read till now
They are SO CUTE, we have to protect them