Nobody is in the wrong here. Yoon and Taejoon are in a heartbreaking situation. You can't tell me you wouldn't act the same. All you can wish for is the happiness of everyone

there are people in the wrong here, I would react differently and I don't wish for everyone's happiness in this story. I mean you can wish for everyone's happiness, I just don't.
no one is saying they expected Taejoon to break up with his new bf when Yoon woke up from his coma, but the way he completely turned his back on him was wrong and unforgivable. even if you have moved on to a new relationship, if you care for a person at all you don't abandon them like Taejoon did to Yoon. Yoon was IN A COMA for 5 YEARS, his whole life was destroyed and the person he loved and trusted the most turned his back on him. Taejoon could have helped Yoon figure shit out and to start putting his life back together without dating him, he could have acted like a friend.
it is so heart wrenching to me to think of the position Taejoon put Yoon in and then blamed Yoon and now wants to act like he cares if Yoon is hurt. its hypocritical and its wrong. Taejoon is the one who severed their relationship, he is wrong for now trying to insert himself back in Yoon's life by being helpful like he should have done in the first place. You can think and feel what you want about the story, but other people arnt wrong for thinking differently.

Yes there's that but think of what Taejoon had to have gone through seeing that Yoon is still alive. The confusion, the guilt, and it didn't help that he was with his new twat at that time. As much as Taejoon could've wanted to do right by Yoon and help him, you all saw how insecure and bitchy the new guy was with him even having any sort of interaction with Yoon. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place and Yoon's suggestion to sleep together tipped him off his mental edge.
Yea, he has no right to voice his opinions with anything to do with Yoon now since he was the one to break it all off but he's only human. He can't help but feel concerned over Yoon's well being.

Omg when Shin told him to ask to sleep with him, I was like “what kind of advice is that?” Yoon was wrong there but he definitely was trying to persevere the relationship they had. However, Taejoo should have tried to be a friend from the beginning instead of cutting him off like that. I don’t blame him for breaking up Yoon but the way he did it was just so cold and insulting. But I think we can all agree that his bf is a rat.

It was cold yes but his shit bf didn't give him much of a choice to befriend Yoon. By breaking up the way he did was the only way he could assure is bf that he's not going back to Yoon and to not give Yoon any false hope. They could've handled it better but that red head just fucked it all up for everyone.

his bf being shit doesnt give him permission to be shit. sure, giving into what the bf wants is the easy thing to do but it does not address any of the underlying issues that have lead to the bf feeling that way cuz neither of them have been completely honest with each other.
so saying "well his shit bf didn't give him a choice" is 1. incorrect, he always had a choice. and 2. does not give him permission to then go off and be a complete asshole. certainly it makes doing the right thing more difficult, but there is still very clearly a right and a wrong in this situation and he did the wrong thing.
These illegal sites have been around for YEARS. Longer than most of the authors have been working in this industry. It's a well known fact that illegal translations are bound to happen. I don't know why artists/authors are surprised by this anymore. It sucks but it was their choice to make it as a career. If you can support them, then good for you. But stop being so righteous on an illegal website.
Exactly! You can't tell people what to do when you yourself is reading here.
i agree except the "it sucks but it was their choice to make it as a career". blaming them aint it.
I'm mainly talking about being an artist as a career in general, in any medium. It's never been a lucrative industry. The term "starving artist" is a stereotype for a reason.
"kidnappers are everywhere. it's a well known fact that your child can get kidnapped. i don't know why parents are surprised anymore. it sucks but it was their choice to make a child."
this is exactly how you sound btw. and im not saying im better than you bc im reading shit on an illegal website, but the least you could do is not victim blame what the fuck.